
Cybersecurity, Penetration testing and ethical hacking tools - to be used for educational purposes ONLY. DISCLAIMER: Performing hacking attempts on computers that you do not own (without permission) is illegal!

Primary LanguagePython

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Hack-R Tools: Ethical Hacking / Penetration Testing tools

DISCLAIMER: these ethical hacking tools are intended for educational purposes and awareness training sessions only. Performing hacking attempts on computers that you do not own (without permission) is illegal! Do not attempt to gain access to device that you do not own.

The Hack-R Tools series are ethical hacking and penetration testing tools with a retro-graphics style, designed for use with a command-line interface.

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This tool is a simple port scanner built in Python using the socket module with the functionality to scan multiple target hosts, specify the number of ports to scan, and save the scan report to a txt file.

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This tool is a simple ransomware decryptor built in Python using the Fernet module of the cryptography package. It comes with a paired encryptor (Ran$um) to demonstrate functionality. This is is an ethical hacking tool, intended as a proof of concept for educational purposes only to demonstrate how ransomware encrypts files and how they can subsequently be decrypted. Do NOT use this tool for malicious purposes or without permission.

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Project consists of a simple bruteforcer tool written in Python. The utility allows you to input target url, username and password list to attempt login for penetration testing purposes ONLY. The bruteforcer tool will attempt login using each of the passwords on the provided password list and output message to confirm correct credentials if successful login completed.

Full Disclaimer

Any actions and or activities related to the material contained within this repository is solely your responsibility. The misuse of the tools in this repo could result in criminal charges being brought against the persons in question. The author will not be held responsible in the event any criminal charges are brought against any individuals misusing the tools in this repository for mailicious ourposes or to break the law.