
Data sets from Survivor in R

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


66 seasons. 1040 people. 1 package!

survivoR is a collection of data sets detailing events across 66 seasons of Survivor US, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand and UK. It includes castaway information, vote history, immunity and reward challenge winners, jury votes, advantage details and a lot more.


Now on CRAN (v2.1.0) or Git (v2.1.0).

If Git > CRAN I’d suggest install from Git. We are constantly improving the data sets so the github version is likely to be slightly improved.


News: survivoR 2.1.0

  • Adding data for US44, UK01 and NZ02
  • Confessional timing app built with R Shiny (see below)
  • Confessional times for US44 and UK01
  • result_number on castaways
  • New features on castaway_details
    • lgbt+ flag
    • three_words – the answer to the question “Three words to describe you”.
    • hobbies
    • pet_peeves


Confessionals repo

The following link takes you to a repository of complete confessional tables, inlcuding counts and confessional timing for a few seasons.

Confessional counts from myself, Carly Levitz, Sam, Grace.

Confessional timing

Included in the package is a confessional timing app to record the length of confessionals while watching the episode.

To launch the app, first install the package and run,


To try it out online 👉 Confessional timing app

More info here.

Dataset overview

There are 17 data sets included in the package:

  1. advantage_details
  2. advantage_details
  3. boot_mapping
  4. castaway_details
  5. castaways
  6. challenge_results
  7. challenge_description
  8. confessionals
  9. jury_votes
  10. screen_time
  11. season_palettes
  12. season_summary
  13. survivor_auction
  14. tribe_colours
  15. tribe_mapping
  16. viewers
  17. vote_history

See the sections below for more details on the key data sets.

Season summary

Season summary

A table containing summary details of each season of Survivor, including the winner, runner ups and location.

#> # A tibble: 66 × 23
#>    version version_season season_name season n_cast location country tribe_setup
#>    <chr>   <chr>          <chr>        <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>    <chr>   <chr>      
#>  1 AU      AU01           Survivor A…      1     24 Upolu    Samoa   "The 24 co…
#>  2 AU      AU02           Survivor A…      2     24 Upolu    Samoa   "The 24 co…
#>  3 AU      AU03           Survivor A…      3     24 Savusavu Fiji    "The 24 co…
#>  4 AU      AU04           Survivor A…      4     24 Savusavu Fiji    "Two tribe…
#>  5 AU      AU05           Survivor A…      5     24 Savusavu Fiji    "Two tribe…
#>  6 AU      AU06           Survivor A…      6     24 Cloncur… Austra… "The 24 co…
#>  7 AU      AU07           Survivor A…      7     24 Charter… Austra… "Blood v W…
#>  8 AU      AU08           Survivor A…      8     24 Upolu    Samoa   "Castaways…
#>  9 NZ      NZ01           Survivor N…      1     16 San Jua… Nicara… "Two teams…
#> 10 NZ      NZ02           Survivor N…      2     18 Lake Va… Thaila… "Schoolyar…
#> # ℹ 56 more rows
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: full_name <chr>, winner_id <chr>, winner <chr>,
#> #   runner_ups <chr>, final_vote <chr>, timeslot <chr>, premiered <date>,
#> #   ended <date>, filming_started <date>, filming_ended <date>,
#> #   viewers_premiere <dbl>, viewers_finale <dbl>, viewers_reunion <dbl>,
#> #   viewers_mean <dbl>, rank <dbl>


This data set contains season and demographic information about each castaway. It is structured to view their results for each season. Castaways that have played in multiple seasons will feature more than once with the age and location representing that point in time. Castaways that re-entered the game will feature more than once in the same season as they technically have more than one boot order e.g. Natalie Anderson - Winners at War.

Each castaway has a unique castaway_id which links the individual across all data sets and seasons. It also links to the following ID’s found on the vote_history, jury_votes and challenges data sets.

  • vote_id
  • voted_out_id
  • finalist_id
castaways |> 
  filter(season == 42)
#> # A tibble: 18 × 17
#>    version version_season season_name  season full_name     castaway_id castaway
#>    <chr>   <chr>          <chr>         <dbl> <chr>         <chr>       <chr>   
#>  1 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Jackson Fox   US0613      Jackson 
#>  2 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Zach Wurthen… US0626      Zach    
#>  3 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Marya Sherron US0618      Marya   
#>  4 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Jenny Kim     US0614      Jenny   
#>  5 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Swati Goel    US0624      Swati   
#>  6 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Daniel Strunk US0610      Daniel  
#>  7 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Lydia Meredi… US0617      Lydia   
#>  8 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Chanelle How… US0609      Chanelle
#>  9 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Rocksroy Bai… US0622      Rocksroy
#> 10 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Tori Meehan   US0625      Tori    
#> 11 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Hai Giang     US0612      Hai     
#> 12 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Drea Wheeler  US0611      Drea    
#> 13 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Omar Zaheer   US0621      Omar    
#> 14 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Lindsay Dola… US0616      Lindsay 
#> 15 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Jonathan You… US0615      Jonathan
#> 16 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Romeo Escobar US0623      Romeo   
#> 17 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Mike Turner   US0620      Mike    
#> 18 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 Maryanne Oke… US0619      Maryanne
#> # ℹ 10 more variables: age <dbl>, city <chr>, state <chr>, episode <dbl>,
#> #   day <dbl>, order <dbl>, result <chr>, jury_status <chr>,
#> #   original_tribe <chr>, result_number <dbl>

Castaway details

A few castaways have changed their name from season to season or have been referred to by a different name during the season e.g. Amber Mariano; in season 8 Survivor All-Stars there was Rob C and Rob M. That information has been retained here in the castaways data set.

castaway_details contains unique information for each castaway. It takes the full name from their most current season and their most verbose short name which is handy for labelling.

It also includes gender, date of birth, occupation, race, ethnicity and other data. If no source was found to determine a castaways race and ethnicity, the data is kept as missing rather than making an assumption.

#> # A tibble: 1,040 × 16
#>    castaway_id full_name full_name_detailed castaway date_of_birth date_of_death
#>    <chr>       <chr>     <chr>              <chr>    <date>        <date>       
#>  1 AU0001      Des Quil… Des Quilty         Des      NA            NA           
#>  2 AU0002      Bianca A… Bianca Anderson    Bianca   NA            NA           
#>  3 AU0003      Evan Jon… Evan Jones         Evan     NA            NA           
#>  4 AU0004      Peter Fi… Peter Fiegehen     Peter    NA            NA           
#>  5 AU0005      Barry Lea Barry Lea          Barry    NA            NA           
#>  6 AU0006      Tegan Ha… Tegan Haining      Tegan    NA            NA           
#>  7 AU0007      Rohan Ma… Rohan MacLauren    Rohan    NA            NA           
#>  8 AU0008      Kat Dumo… Kat Dumont         Katinka  1989-09-21    NA           
#>  9 AU0009      Andrew T… Andrew Torrens     Andrew   NA            NA           
#> 10 AU0010      Craig I'… Craig I'Anson      Craig    NA            NA           
#> # ℹ 1,030 more rows
#> # ℹ 10 more variables: gender <chr>, race <chr>, ethnicity <chr>, poc <chr>,
#> #   personality_type <chr>, lgbt <lgl>, occupation <chr>, three_words <chr>,
#> #   hobbies <chr>, pet_peeves <chr>
Vote history

Vote history

This data frame contains a complete history of votes cast across all seasons of Survivor. This allows you to see who who voted for who at which Tribal Council. It also includes details on who had individual immunity as well as who had their votes nullified by a hidden immunity idol. This details the key events for the season.

There is some information on split votes to help calculate if a player engaged in a split vote but ultimately hit their target. There are events which influnce the vote e.g. Extra votes, safety without power, etc. These are recorded here as well.

vh <- vote_history |> 
    season == 42,
    episode == 9
#> # A tibble: 10 × 22
#>    version version_season season_name  season episode   day tribe_status tribe  
#>    <chr>   <chr>          <chr>         <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>        <chr>  
#>  1 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42       9    17 Merged       Kula K…
#>  2 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42       9    17 Merged       Kula K…
#>  3 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42       9    17 Merged       Kula K…
#>  4 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42       9    17 Merged       Kula K…
#>  5 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42       9    17 Merged       Kula K…
#>  6 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42       9    17 Merged       Kula K…
#>  7 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42       9    17 Merged       Kula K…
#>  8 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42       9    17 Merged       Kula K…
#>  9 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42       9    17 Merged       Kula K…
#> 10 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42       9    17 Merged       Kula K…
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: castaway <chr>, immunity <chr>, vote <chr>,
#> #   vote_event <chr>, vote_event_outcome <chr>, split_vote <chr>,
#> #   nullified <lgl>, tie <lgl>, voted_out <chr>, order <dbl>, vote_order <dbl>,
#> #   castaway_id <chr>, vote_id <chr>, voted_out_id <chr>
vh |> 
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   vote         n
#>   <chr>    <int>
#> 1 Rocksroy     4
#> 2 Romeo        1
#> 3 Tori         4
#> 4 <NA>         1

Challenge results

Note: From v1.1 the challenge_results dataset has been improved but could break existing code. The old table is maintained at challenge_results_dep

There are two tables challenge_results and challenge_description.

Challenge results

A tidy data frame of immunity and reward challenge results. The winners and losers of the challenges are found recorded here.

challenge_results |> 
  filter(season == 42) |> 
  group_by(castaway) |> 
    won = sum(result == "Won"),
    lost = sum(result == "Lost"),
    total_challenges = n(),
    chosen_for_reward = sum(chosen_for_reward)
#> # A tibble: 18 × 5
#>    castaway   won  lost total_challenges chosen_for_reward
#>    <chr>    <int> <int>            <int>             <int>
#>  1 Chanelle     4     7               11                 0
#>  2 Daniel       3     4                7                 0
#>  3 Drea         5    11               16                 0
#>  4 Hai          5    10               15                 0
#>  5 Jackson      0     1                1                 0
#>  6 Jenny        2     2                4                 0
#>  7 Jonathan    10    10               20                 1
#>  8 Lindsay      9    10               19                 1
#>  9 Lydia        4     5                9                 0
#> 10 Marya        1     2                3                 0
#> 11 Maryanne     7    13               20                 1
#> 12 Mike         5    15               20                 2
#> 13 Omar         6    12               18                 1
#> 14 Rocksroy     5     8               13                 0
#> 15 Romeo        5    15               20                 1
#> 16 Swati        3     3                6                 0
#> 17 Tori         9     4               13                 0
#> 18 Zach         1     1                2                 0

The challenge_id is the primary key for the challenge_description data set. The challange_id will change as the data or descriptions change.

Challenge description

Note: This data frame is going through a massive revamp. Stay tuned.

This data set contains descriptive binary fields for each challenge. Challenges can go by different names but where possible recurring challenges are kept consistent. While there are tweaks to the challenges, where the main components of the challenge is consistent, they share the same name.

The features of each challenge have been determined largely through string searches of key words that describe the challenge. It may not capture the full essence of the challenge but on the whole will provide a good basis for analysis. Since the description is simply a short paragraph or sentence it may not flag all appropriate features. If any descriptive features need altering please let me know in the issues.


  • puzzle: If the challenge contains a puzzle element.
  • race: If the challenge is a race between tribes, teams or individuals.
  • precision: If the challenge contains a precision element e.g. shooting an arrow, hitting a target, etc.
  • endurance: If the challenge is an endurance event e.g. last tribe, team, individual standing.
  • strength: If the challenge is largerly strength based e.g. Shoulder the Load.
  • turn_based: If the challenge is conducted in a series of rounds until a certain amount of points are scored or there is one player remaining.
  • balance: If the challenge contains a balancing element.
  • food: If the challenge contains a food element e.g. the food challenge, biting off chunks of meat.
  • knowledge: If the challenge contains a knowledge component e.g. Q and A about the location.
  • memory: If the challenge contains a memory element e.g. memorising a sequence of items.
  • fire: If the challenge contains an element of fire making / maintaining.
  • water: If the challenge is held, in part, in the water.
#> # A tibble: 1,396 × 14
#>    challenge_id challenge_name         puzzle race  precision endurance strength
#>    <chr>        <chr>                  <lgl>  <lgl> <lgl>     <lgl>     <lgl>   
#>  1 AU0101IM00   Throw One Over         TRUE   TRUE  FALSE     FALSE     TRUE    
#>  2 AU0102IR01   Sacrificial Lamb       FALSE  TRUE  FALSE     FALSE     FALSE   
#>  3 AU0103IM02   Caught in the Web      FALSE  TRUE  FALSE     FALSE     FALSE   
#>  4 AU0103RD02   Supply Ships           TRUE   TRUE  FALSE     FALSE     FALSE   
#>  5 AU0104IM03   Crab Pots              FALSE  TRUE  FALSE     FALSE     FALSE   
#>  6 AU0105IM04   Nutslinger             FALSE  TRUE  TRUE      FALSE     FALSE   
#>  7 AU0105RD04   Build It Up, Break It… FALSE  TRUE  FALSE     FALSE     FALSE   
#>  8 AU0106IM04   Breakout               FALSE  TRUE  FALSE     FALSE     FALSE   
#>  9 AU0107IM05   Pull Your Weight       FALSE  FALSE FALSE     TRUE      TRUE    
#> 10 AU0107RD05   Barrel Bridge          FALSE  TRUE  FALSE     FALSE     FALSE   
#> # ℹ 1,386 more rows
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: turn_based <lgl>, balance <lgl>, food <lgl>,
#> #   knowledge <lgl>, memory <lgl>, fire <lgl>, water <lgl>

challenge_description |> 
  summarise_if(is_logical, sum)
#> # A tibble: 1 × 12
#>   puzzle  race precision endurance strength turn_based balance  food knowledge
#>    <int> <int>     <int>     <int>    <int>      <int>   <int> <int>     <int>
#> 1     NA    NA        NA        NA       NA         NA      NA    NA        NA
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: memory <int>, fire <int>, water <int>
Jury votes

Jury votes

History of jury votes. It is more verbose than it needs to be, however having a 0-1 column indicating if a vote was placed or not makes it easier to summarise castaways that received no votes.

jury_votes |> 
  filter(season == 42)
#> # A tibble: 24 × 9
#>    version version_season season_name season castaway finalist  vote castaway_id
#>    <chr>   <chr>          <chr>        <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <dbl> <chr>      
#>  1 US      US42           Survivor: …     42 Jonathan Romeo        0 US0615     
#>  2 US      US42           Survivor: …     42 Lindsay  Romeo        0 US0616     
#>  3 US      US42           Survivor: …     42 Omar     Romeo        0 US0621     
#>  4 US      US42           Survivor: …     42 Drea     Romeo        0 US0611     
#>  5 US      US42           Survivor: …     42 Hai      Romeo        0 US0612     
#>  6 US      US42           Survivor: …     42 Tori     Romeo        0 US0625     
#>  7 US      US42           Survivor: …     42 Rocksroy Romeo        0 US0622     
#>  8 US      US42           Survivor: …     42 Chanelle Romeo        0 US0609     
#>  9 US      US42           Survivor: …     42 Jonathan Mike         1 US0615     
#> 10 US      US42           Survivor: …     42 Lindsay  Mike         0 US0616     
#> # ℹ 14 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: finalist_id <chr>
jury_votes |> 
  filter(season == 42) |> 
  group_by(finalist) |> 
  summarise(votes = sum(vote))
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   finalist votes
#>   <chr>    <dbl>
#> 1 Maryanne     7
#> 2 Mike         1
#> 3 Romeo        0

Advantage Details

This dataset lists the hidden idols and advantages in the game for all seasons. It details where it was found, if there was a clue to the advantage, location and other advantage conditions. This maps to the advantage_movement table.

advantage_details |> 
  filter(season == 42)
#> # A tibble: 11 × 9
#>    version version_season season_name  season advantage_id advantage_type      
#>    <chr>   <chr>          <chr>         <dbl> <chr>        <chr>               
#>  1 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 USAM4201     Amulet              
#>  2 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 USAM4202     Amulet              
#>  3 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 USAM4203     Amulet              
#>  4 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 USEV4201     Extra vote          
#>  5 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 USEV4202     Extra vote          
#>  6 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 USHI4201     Hidden immunity idol
#>  7 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 USHI4202     Hidden immunity idol
#>  8 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 USHI4203     Hidden immunity idol
#>  9 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 USKP4201     Knowledge is power  
#> 10 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 USHI4204     Hidden immunity idol
#> 11 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42 USIN4201     Idol nullifier      
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: clue_details <chr>, location_found <chr>,
#> #   conditions <chr>

Advantage Movement

The advantage_movement table tracks who found the advantage, who they may have handed it to and who the played it for. Each step is called an event. The sequence_id tracks the logical step of the advantage. For example in season 41, JD found an Extra Vote advantage. JD gave it to Shan in good faith who then voted him out keeping the Extra Vote. Shan gave it to Ricard in good faith who eventually gave it back before Shan played it for Naseer. That movement is recorded in this table.

advantage_movement |> 
  filter(advantage_id == "USEV4102")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 15
#>   version version_season season_name  season castaway castaway_id advantage_id
#>   <chr>   <chr>          <chr>         <dbl> <chr>    <chr>       <chr>       
#> 1 US      US41           Survivor: 41     41 JD       US0603      USEV4102    
#> 2 US      US41           Survivor: 41     41 Shan     US0606      USEV4102    
#> 3 US      US41           Survivor: 41     41 Ricard   US0596      USEV4102    
#> 4 US      US41           Survivor: 41     41 Shan     US0606      USEV4102    
#> 5 US      US41           Survivor: 41     41 Shan     US0606      USEV4102    
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: sequence_id <dbl>, day <dbl>, episode <dbl>, event <chr>,
#> #   played_for <chr>, played_for_id <chr>, success <chr>, votes_nullified <dbl>


A dataset containing the number of confessionals for each castaway by season and episode. There are multiple contributors to this data. Where there are multiple sets of counts for a season the average is taken and added to the package. The aim is to establish consistency in confessional counts in the absence of official sources. Given the subjective nature of the counts and the potential for clerical error no single source is more valid than another. So it is reasonable to average across all sources.

Confessional time exists for a few seasons. This is the total cumulative time for each castaway in seconds. This is a much more accurate indicator of the ‘edit’.

confessionals |> 
  filter(season == 44) |> 
  group_by(castaway) |> 
    count = sum(confessional_count),
    time = sum(confessional_time)
#> # A tibble: 18 × 3
#>    castaway count  time
#>    <chr>    <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 Brandon     27   325
#>  2 Bruce        2     3
#>  3 Carolyn     68  1331
#>  4 Carson      62  1022
#>  5 Claire       7    64
#>  6 Danny       38   579
#>  7 Frannie     34   466
#>  8 Heidi       33   618
#>  9 Helen        8    76
#> 10 Jaime       35   465
#> 11 Josh        25   386
#> 12 Kane        20   273
#> 13 Lauren      31   493
#> 14 Maddy        6    51
#> 15 Matt        30   525
#> 16 Matthew     21   345
#> 17 Sarah       18   244
#> 18 Yam Yam     83  1189

The confessional index is available on this data set. The index is a standardised measure of the number of confessionals the player has recieved compared to the others. It is stratified by tribe so it measures how many confessionals each player gets proportional to even share within tribe e.g. an index of 1.5 means that player as received 50% more than others in their tribe.

The tribe grouping is important since the tribe that attends tribal council typical get more screen time, which is fair enough. I don’t think we should expect even share across everyone in the pre-merge stage of the game.

The index is cumulative with episode, so the players final index is the index in their final episode.

confessionals |> 
  filter(season == 44) |> 
  group_by(castaway) |> 
  slice_max(episode) |> 
  arrange(desc(index_time)) |> 
  select(castaway, episode, confessional_count, confessional_time, index_count, index_time)
#> # A tibble: 18 × 6
#> # Groups:   castaway [18]
#>    castaway episode confessional_count confessional_time index_count index_time
#>    <chr>      <dbl>              <dbl>             <dbl>       <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1 Matthew        5                  4                37       1.49      1.89  
#>  2 Matt           7                  8               168       1.59      1.87  
#>  3 Carolyn       13                  9               189       1.04      1.24  
#>  4 Carson        13                 10               229       1.19      1.20  
#>  5 Danny         11                  7                90       1.12      1.14  
#>  6 Yam Yam       13                 13               248       1.30      1.13  
#>  7 Frannie       10                  8               107       1.12      1.02  
#>  8 Brandon        8                  4                45       1.16      0.973 
#>  9 Josh           6                  6                97       0.898     0.942 
#> 10 Sarah          4                  5                82       1.00      0.923 
#> 11 Heidi         13                  6               166       0.689     0.781 
#> 12 Kane           9                  4                77       0.754     0.713 
#> 13 Jaime         12                  6                65       0.828     0.709 
#> 14 Lauren        13                  4               113       0.626     0.614 
#> 15 Maddy          1                  6                51       0.72      0.596 
#> 16 Claire         3                  3                37       0.75      0.563 
#> 17 Helen          2                  4                57       0.764     0.497 
#> 18 Bruce          1                  2                 3       0.353     0.0575
Screen time

Screen time [EXPERIMENTAL]

This dataset contains the estimated screen time for each castaway during an episode. Please note that this is still in the early days of development. There is likely to be misclassifcation and other sources of error. The model will be refined over time.

An individuals’ screen time is calculated, at a high-level, via the following process:

  1. Frames are sampled from episodes on a 1 second time interval

  2. MTCNN detects the human faces within each frame

  3. VGGFace2 converts each detected face into a 512d vector space

  4. A training set of labelled images (1 for each contestant + 3 for Jeff Probst) is processed in the same way to determine where they sit in the vector space. TODO: This could be made more accurate by increasing the number of training images per contestant.

  5. The Euclidean distance is calculated for the faces detected in the frame to each of the contestants in the season (+Jeff). If the minimum distance is greater than 1.2 the face is labelled as “unknown”. TODO: Review how robust this distance cutoff truly is - currently based on manual review of Season 42.

  6. A multi-class SVM is trained on the training set to label faces. For any face not identified as “unknown”, the vector embedding is run into this model and a label is generated.

  7. All labelled faces are aggregated together, with an assumption of 1-5 full second of screen time each time a face is seen and factoring in time between detection capping at a max of 5 seconds.

screen_time |> 
  filter(version_season == "US42") |> 
  group_by(castaway_id) |> 
  summarise(total_mins = sum(screen_time)/60) |> 
    castaway_details |> 
      select(castaway_id, castaway = short_name),
    by = "castaway_id"
  ) |> 
#> Error in `select()`:
#> ! Can't subset columns that don't exist.
#> ✖ Column `short_name` doesn't exist.

Currently it only includes data for season 42. More seasons will be added as they are completed.

Boot mapping

Boot mapping

A mapping table to detail who is still alive at each stage of the game. It is useful for easy filtering to say the final players.

# filter to season 42 and when there are 6 people left
# 18 people in the season, therefore 12 boots

still_alive <- function(.version, .season, .n_boots) {
  survivoR::boot_mapping |>
      version == .version,
      season == .season,
      final_n == 6,
      game_status %in% c("In the game", "Returned")

still_alive("US", 42, 6)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 12
#>   version version_season season_name  season episode order final_n castaway_id
#>   <chr>   <chr>          <chr>         <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>      
#> 1 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42      12    12       6 US0615     
#> 2 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42      12    12       6 US0616     
#> 3 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42      12    12       6 US0619     
#> 4 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42      12    12       6 US0620     
#> 5 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42      12    12       6 US0621     
#> 6 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42      12    12       6 US0623     
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: castaway <chr>, tribe <chr>, tribe_status <chr>,
#> #   game_status <chr>


Viewers is an episode level table. It contains the episode information such as episode title, air date, length, IMDb rating and the viewer information for every episode across all seasons.

viewers |> 
  filter(season == 42)
#> # A tibble: 13 × 13
#>    version version_season season_name  season episode_number_overall episode
#>    <chr>   <chr>          <chr>         <dbl>                  <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42                    571       1
#>  2 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42                    572       2
#>  3 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42                    573       3
#>  4 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42                    574       4
#>  5 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42                    575       5
#>  6 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42                    576       6
#>  7 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42                    577       7
#>  8 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42                    578       8
#>  9 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42                    579       9
#> 10 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42                    580      10
#> 11 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42                    581      11
#> 12 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42                    582      12
#> 13 US      US42           Survivor: 42     42                    583      13
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: episode_title <chr>, episode_label <chr>,
#> #   episode_date <date>, episode_length <dbl>, viewers <dbl>,
#> #   imdb_rating <dbl>, n_ratings <dbl>


Given the variable nature of the game of Survivor and changing of the rules, there are bound to be edges cases where the data is not quite right. Before logging an issue please install the git version to see if it has already been corrected. If not, please log an issue and I will correct the datasets.

New features will be added, such as details on exiled castaways across the seasons. If you have a request for specific data let me know in the issues and I’ll see what I can do. Also, if you’d like to contribute by adding to existing datasets or contribute a new dataset, please contact me directly.


Survivor Dashboard

Carly Levitz has developed a fantastic dashboard showcasing the data and allowing you to drill down into seasons, castaways, voting history and challenges.

Data viz

This looks at the number of immunity idols won and votes received for each winner.


A big thank you to:

Package contributor and maintainers

Data contributors

  • Dario Mavec for developing the face detection model for estimating total screen time
  • Sam for contributing to the confessional counts
  • Camilla Bendetti for collating the personality type data for each castaway.
  • Uygar Sozer for adding the filming start and end dates for each season.
  • Holt Skinner for creating the castaway ID to map people across seasons and manage name changes.


Data was sourced from Wikipedia and the Survivor Wiki. Other data, such as the tribe colours, was manually recorded and entered by myself and contributors.