
[Availability notifications, auto-checkout, slot preferences, cart tracking] for Whole Foods / Amazon Fresh

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Enhancing the Whole Foods / Amazon Fresh delivery experience.



Born out of frustration with the perennially unavailable Whole Foods / Amazon Fresh delivery slot, this is a simple script that uses an automated browser (Selenium) to navigate to your cart and refresh the delivery slot selection page until there is an opening. When a slot is found, a friendly voice emanates from your speakers informing you of your good fortune.

If called with the --checkout flag, the program will also attempt to select a slot for you and checkout automatically.

Optionally, you can choose to be notified via SMS (Twilio) and/or Telegram by supplying API credentials in conf.toml.

More on these services here:


  • A computer (audio alerts have been tested on Mac and Windows)
  • Python3.x (tested on 3.7) and Google Chrome (sorry)
  • A Whole Foods or Amazon Fresh cart populated with items
  • Patience


  • Open Terminal (or Powershell if on Windows)
  • Clone this repo, or download and unpack manually (see this for help):
    git clone https://github.com/mark-thompson/whole-foods-deliverance.git
  • Move to the cloned directory (if you downloaded manually, replace the . with the download location (e.g. ~/Downloads, C:\Users\{username}\Downloads)):
    cd ./whole-foods-deliverance
  • Create the python virtual environment:
    python3 -m venv env
  • Activate the environment (you'll need to do this again for every new terminal session):
    • Mac:
      . env/bin/activate
    • Windows:
      . env/Scripts/activate
  • Install the requirements (you only need to do this once):
    pip install -r requirements.txt


Do this if you want to send SMS/Telegram notifications or specify delivery slot preferences

  • Copy the config template to the default deployment location:
    cp conf_template.toml conf.toml
  • Open the new file conf.toml with your favorite text editor and insert your API credentials


The default requirements assume you are using the current stable version of Chrome (version 81). If you are using a beta or dev release (version 82+) and you get an error when running the script, run:

pip install --upgrade chromedriver-binary

If you are still using Chrome version 80, run:

pip install --upgrade chromedriver-binary==80.0.3987.106.0


Run the script with the default options:

python run.py

Or specify one or more options to change the script behavior. e.g.:

python run.py -s 'Amazon Fresh' --checkout --ignore-oos --debug



Specify the delivery service you are using with the -s or --service option. Quotes are required.

Defaults to: 'Whole Foods'

python run.py -s 'Amazon Fresh'


Use the -c or --checkout flag to attempt to checkout automatically when a slot is found. Uses your delivery window preferences as specified in conf.toml under the slot_preference key. See: config template

python run.py --checkout


At some point, you may encounter an out of stock alert. By default, the program will produce an audio alert and give you some time to continue through the alert prompt if you've decided the item in question isn't essential to your order.

Use the --ignore-oos flag if you'd like to bypass these alerts automatically. Details of the removed items will be saved to a local file: removed_items_{timestamp}.toml

python run.py --ignore-oos


Occasionally (and rather unhelpfully), items will disappear from your cart without generating any kind of alert. Use the --save-cart flag to write a local file containing all of your cart items before the slot search begins.

python run.py --save-cart


Among other things, the --debug flag will save the current page source if a Selenium error is encountered. Use this if you are getting an error and want to help contribute to a fix

python run.py --debug

Inspiration credit: this much more interestingly named project