
Pure shell library to do ADB like automation directly on Android devices without using ADB

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

dump items

get a fragment dump

sh /sdcard/fragmentparser/awkparser.sh
1       android.widget.LinearLayout     b0890e3 V       .       E       .       .       .       .       .       .       .       .       .       .       .       .       .       .       0       0       900     1600    NADA    NADA    8               0       0       900     1600    900     1600    1440000 450     800
2       android.view.ViewStub   15d0ae0 G

get a fragment dump with pretty print

sh /sdcard/fragmentparser/awkparser.sh  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
1             | android.widget.LinearLayout                       | b0890e3 | V          | .         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 900            | 1600           | NADA      | NADA                            | 8         |                               | 0       | 0       | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1600   | 1440000 | 450      | 800      |
2             | android.view.ViewStub                             | 15d0ae0 | G          | .         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | I                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 0              | 0              | #10201af  | android:id/action_mode_bar_stub | 10        | 1                             | 0       | 0       | 0     | 0     | 0     | 0      | 0       | 0        | 0        |
3             | android.widget.FrameLayout                        | 72e1199 | V          | .         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 900            | 1600           | #1020002  | android:id/content              | 10        | 1                             | 0       | 0       | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1600   | 1440000 | 450      | 800      |
4             | android.widget.FrameLayout                        | d504c5e | V          | .         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 900            | 1600           | NADA      | NADA                            | 12        | 1|3                           | 0       | 0       | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1600   | 1440000 | 450      | 800      |
5             | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout         | 129583f | V          | F         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 36               | 900            | 1600           | #7f0800af | app:id/drawer_layout            | 14        | 1|3|4                         | 0       | 36      | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1564   | 1407600 | 450      | 818      |
12            | android.widget.EditText                           | 6238936 | V          | F         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | C         | L              | .                 | .                       | F             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 37               | 0                | 561            | 49             | #7f080131 | app:id/searchEditText           | 22        | 1|3|4|5|6|7|9                 | 188     | 117     | 712   | 166   | 524   | 49     | 25676   | 450      | 141      |

get a fragment dump with pretty print and limit the max print width to 15

sh /sdcard/fragmentparser/awkparser.sh  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk -v m=15

1             | android.widget. | b0890e3 | V          | .         | E       | .     | .               | .               | .         | .              | .               | .               | .             | .              | .               | .             | .               | .               | .               | 0               | 0               | 900            | 1600           | NADA      | NADA            | 8         |                 | 0       | 0       | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1600   | 1440000 | 450      | 800      |
2             | android.view.Vi | 15d0ae0 | G          | .         | E       | .     | .               | .               | .         | .              | .               | .               | .             | .              | .               | .             | .               | I               | .               | 0               | 0               | 0              | 0              | #10201af  | android:id/acti | 10        | 1               | 0       | 0       | 0     | 0     | 0     | 0      | 0       | 0        | 0        |
3             | android.widget. | 72e1199 | V          | .         | E       | .     | .               | .               | .         | .              | .               | .               | .             | .              | .               | .             | .               | .               | .               | 0               | 0               | 900            | 1600           | #1020002  | android:id/cont | 10        | 1               | 0       | 0       | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1600   | 1440000 | 450      | 800      |
4             | android.widget. | d504c5e | V          | .         | E       | .     | .               | .               | .         | .              | .               | .               | .             | .              | .               | .             | .               | .               | .               | 0               | 0               | 900            | 1600           | NADA      | NADA            | 12        | 1|3             | 0       | 0       | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1600   | 1440000 | 450      | 800      |
5             | androidx.drawer | 129583f | V          | F         | E       | .     | .               | .               | .         | .              | .               | .               | .             | .              | .               | .             | .               | .               | .               | 0               | 36              | 900            | 1600           | #7f0800af | app:id/drawer_l | 14        | 1|3|4           | 0       | 36      | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1564   | 1407600 | 450      | 818      |
11            | android.widget. | 3775ad1 | V          | F         | E       | D     | .               | .               | C         | .              | .               | .               | .             | .              | .               | .             | .               | .               | .               | 561             | 14              | 580            | 33             | #7f080132 | app:id/searchIc | 22        | 1|3|4|5|6|7|9   | 712     | 131     | 731   | 150   | 19    | 19     | 361     | 721      | 140      |

get uiautomator dump with 10 seconds timeout (default to 60)

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh 10

element_index   index   text    resource-id     class   package content-desc    checkable       checked clickable       enabled focusable       focused scrollable      long-clickable  password        selected        startx  endx    starty  endy    centerx centery area    width   height
1       0                       android.widget.FrameLayout      com.bluestacks.launcher         false   false   false   true    false   false   false   false   false   false   0       900     0       1600    450     800     1440000 900     1600
2       0                       android.widget.LinearLayout     com.bluestacks.launcher         false   false   false   true    false   false   false   false   false   false   0       900     0       1600    450     800     1440000 900     1600
3       0               android:id/content      android.widget.FrameLayout      com.bluestacks.launcher         false   false   false   true    false   false   false   false   false   false   0       900     0       1600    450     800     1440000 900     1600

get uiautomator dump with pretty print

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   |
11            | 1     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/searchEditText       | android.widget.EditText                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | true      | true    | true      | true    | false      | true           | false    | false    | 188    | 712  | 117    | 166  | 450     | 141     | 25676   | 524   | 49     |

localize items

query uiautomator

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="width>>300|height>>90|class~~view" -v sep="|" -v and=1 | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
# width >> 300: Selects rows where the value in the "width" column is greater than 300.
# height >> 90: Selects rows where the value in the "height" column is greater than 90.
# class ~~ view: Selects rows where the "class" column matches the regular expression "view".
# and=1: all conditions must be true
# sep="|": to separate the query

# All operators 
#">=" == GE
#"<=" == LE
#"!=" == NE
#">>" == GT
#"<<" == LT
#"==" == EQ
#"~~" == REGEX
element_index | index | text | resource-id                               | class                       | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height |
7             | 0     |      |                                           | android.view.View           | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   |
8             | 1     |      |                                           | android.view.ViewGroup      | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   |
13            | 1     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/desktop        | androidx.viewpager.widget.b | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | true      | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 44     | 856  | 202    | 1290 | 450     | 746     | 883456  | 812   | 1088   |
14            | 0     |      |                                           | android.view.ViewGroup      | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 44     | 856  | 202    | 1290 | 450     | 746     | 883456  | 812   | 1088   |
37            | 1     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/viewBackground | android.view.View           | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 1484   | 1600 | 450     | 1542    | 104400  | 900   | 116    |

piped query uiautomator

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="width>>300|height>>90|class~~view" -v sep="|" -v and=1 | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="startx>>41#starty<<100" -v and=0 | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

# awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="startx>>41#starty<<100" -v and=0
# and=0 means that either startx>41 or starty<100 must be true
element_index | index | text | resource-id                        | class                       | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height |
7             | 0     |      |                                    | android.view.View           | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   |
8             | 1     |      |                                    | android.view.ViewGroup      | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   |
13            | 1     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/desktop | androidx.viewpager.widget.b | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | true      | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 44     | 856  | 202    | 1290 | 450     | 746     | 883456  | 812   | 1088   |
14            | 0     |      |                                    | android.view.ViewGroup      | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 44     | 856  | 202    | 1290 | 450     | 746     | 883456  | 812   | 1088   |

query fragments

sh /sdcard/fragmentparser/awkparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="VISIBILITY==V#CLASSNAME~~.*View$" -v and=1 | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

# query where VISIBILITY==V and CLASSNAME matches the regex *View$

6             | com.bluestacks.launcher.widget.ItemOptionView | 737f50c | V          | F         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 900            | 1564           | #7f0800dd | app:id/item_option       | 16        | 1|3|4|5                       | 0       | 36      | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1564   | 1407600 | 450      | 818      |
10            | android.widget.ImageView                      | 9f555f8 | V          | .         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 19               | 14               | 38             | 33             | #7f080133 | app:id/searchPlayIcon    | 22        | 1|3|4|5|6|7|9                 | 170     | 131     | 189   | 150   | 19    | 19     | 361     | 179      | 140      |
11            | android.widget.ImageView                      | 3775ad1 | V          | F         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | C         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 561              | 14               | 580            | 33             | #7f080132 | app:id/searchIcon        | 22        | 1|3|4|5|6|7|9                 | 712     | 131     | 731   | 150   | 19    | 19     | 361     | 721      | 140      |
24            | android.widget.TextView                       | 42f56c5 | V          | .         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | I                 | .                | 35               | 4                | 159            | 25             | #7f0800da | app:id/installingGame    | 22        | 1|3|4|5|6|7|22                | 401     | 1310    | 525   | 1331  | 124   | 21     | 2604    | 463      | 1320     |
26            | android.widget.TextView                       | 8232f4b | V          | .         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 9                | 1208           | 34             | #7f080119 | app:id/popular_gam       | 22        | 1|3|4|5|6|7|25                | -153    | 1376    | 1055  | 1401  | 1208  | 25     | 30200   | 451      | 1388     |
59            | android.widget.TextView                       | 65f5f88 | V          | F         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | C         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 25               | 20               | 779            | 63             | #7f0800c4 | app:id/group_popup_label | 26        | 1|3|4|5|6|7|56|57|58          | 31      | 62      | 785   | 105   | 754   | 43     | 32422   | 408      | 83       |

piped query fragments

 sh /sdcard/fragmentparser/awkparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="VISIBILITY==V#CLASSNAME~~.*View$" -v and=1 | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="HEIGHT>>100#WIDTH<<100" -v and=0 | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

# query where VISIBILITY==V and CLASSNAME matches the regex *View$
# and where HEIGHT is greater than 100 or WIDTH is less than 100

6             | com.bluestacks.launcher.widget.ItemOptionView | 737f50c | V          | F         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 900            | 1564           | #7f0800dd | app:id/item_option       | 16        | 1|3|4|5                       | 0       | 36      | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1564   | 1407600 | 450      | 818      |
10            | android.widget.ImageView                      | 9f555f8 | V          | .         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 19               | 14               | 38             | 33             | #7f080133 | app:id/searchPlayIcon    | 22        | 1|3|4|5|6|7|9                 | 170     | 131     | 189   | 150   | 19    | 19     | 361     | 179      | 140      |
11            | android.widget.ImageView                      | 3775ad1 | V          | F         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | C         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 561              | 14               | 580            | 33             | #7f080132 | app:id/searchIcon        | 22        | 1|3|4|5|6|7|9                 | 712     | 131     | 731   | 150   | 19    | 19     | 361     | 721      | 140      |
28            | android.view.View                             | 8339a41 | V          | .         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 83               | 1208           | 199            | #7f08017c | app:id/viewBackground    | 24        | 1|3|4|5|6|7|25|27             | -153    | 1484    | 1055  | 1600  | 1208  | 116    | 140128  | 451      | 1542     |
34            | android.widget.ImageView                      | 8983cc3 | V          | .         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 65               | 3                | 88             | 26             | #7f08011c | app:id/popup_image_one   | 32        | 1|3|4|5|6|7|25|27|29|31|32|33 | 153     | 1417    | 176   | 1440  | 23    | 23     | 529     | 164      | 1428     |
61            | android.view.View                             | 4821546 | V          | .         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 44               | 166              | 82             | 1254           | #7f0800e4 | app:id/leftDragHandle    | 20        | 1|3|4|5|6|7                   | 44      | 202     | 82    | 1290  | 38    | 1088   | 41344   | 63       | 746      |

more examples

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="width>>300#height>>90#class~~view#enabled==false#area>=0#starty<=10000" | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
# Selects rows meeting one of these # conditions: width > 300, height > 90, class ~ view, enabled == false, area >= 0, starty <= 10000
# default separator (#) is used between conditions.
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   |
13            | 1     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/desktop              | androidx.viewpager.widget.b               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | true      | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 44     | 856  | 202    | 1290 | 450     | 746     | 883456  | 812   | 1088   |

sh /sdcard/fragmentparser/awkparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="CLASSNAME~~.*widget.*|HEIGHT>>90|VISIBILITY==V" -v sep="|" -v and=1 | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
# CLASSNAME ~~ widget: Selects rows where the "CLASSNAME" column matches the regular expression ".*widget.*".
# HEIGHT >> 90: Selects rows where the value in the "HEIGHT" column is greater than 90.
# VISIBILITY == V: Selects rows where the value in the "VISIBILITY" column is equal to "V".
# and=1: all conditions must be met
# and=0: any condition must be met
1             | android.widget.LinearLayout                       | b0890e3 | V          | .         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 900            | 1600           | NADA      | NADA                        | 8         |                            | 0       | 0       | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1600   | 1440000 | 450      | 800      |
3             | android.widget.FrameLayout                        | 72e1199 | V          | .         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 900            | 1600           | #1020002  | android:id/content          | 10        | 1                          | 0       | 0       | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1600   | 1440000 | 450      | 800      |
4             | android.widget.FrameLayout                        | d504c5e | V          | .         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 900            | 1600           | NADA      | NADA                        | 12        | 1|3                        | 0       | 0       | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1600   | 1440000 | 450      | 800      |
5             | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout         | 129583f | V          | F         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 36               | 900            | 1600           | #7f0800af | app:id/drawer_layout        | 14        | 1|3|4                      | 0       | 36      | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1564   | 1407600 | 450      | 818      |
6             | com.bluestacks.launcher.widget.ItemOptionView     | 737f50c | V          | F         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 900            | 1564           | #7f0800dd | app:id/item_option          | 16        | 1|3|4|5                    | 0       | 36      | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1564   | 1407600 | 450      | 818      |
25            | android.widget.LinearLayout                       | 5f6281a | V          | .         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | -153             | 1331             | 1055           | 1564           | #7f0800a5 | app:id/dock                 | 20        | 1|3|4|5|6|7                | -153    | 1367    | 1055  | 1600  | 1208  | 233    | 281464  | 451      | 1483     |

sh /sdcard/fragmentparser/awkparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="CLASSNAME~~.*widget.*|HEIGHT>>90|VISIBILITY==V" -v sep="|" -v and=0 | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
1             | android.widget.LinearLayout                       | b0890e3 | V          | .         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 900            | 1600           | NADA      | NADA                           | 8         |                               | 0       | 0       | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1600   | 1440000 | 450      | 800      |
3             | android.widget.FrameLayout                        | 72e1199 | V          | .         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 900            | 1600           | #1020002  | android:id/content             | 10        | 1                             | 0       | 0       | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1600   | 1440000 | 450      | 800      |
4             | android.widget.FrameLayout                        | d504c5e | V          | .         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 900            | 1600           | NADA      | NADA                           | 12        | 1|3                           | 0       | 0       | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1600   | 1440000 | 450      | 800      |
5             | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout         | 129583f | V          | F         | E       | .     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 36               | 900            | 1600           | #7f0800af | app:id/drawer_layout           | 14        | 1|3|4                         | 0       | 36      | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1564   | 1407600 | 450      | 818      |
6             | com.bluestacks.launcher.widget.ItemOptionView     | 737f50c | V          | F         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | .         | .              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 0                | 0                | 900            | 1564           | #7f0800dd | app:id/item_option             | 16        | 1|3|4|5                       | 0       | 36      | 900   | 1600  | 900   | 1564   | 1407600 | 450      | 818      |
17            | d1.b                                              | faf78d3 | V          | F         | E       | D     | .                     | .                   | C         | L              | .                 | .                       | .             | .              | .                | .             | .               | .                 | .                | 270              | 0                | 540            | 272            | NADA      | NADA                           | 24        | 1|3|4|5|6|7|13|14             | 314     | 202     | 584   | 474   | 270   | 272    | 73440   | 449      | 338      |


some pandas styled apply scripts

# Some scripts that create a new column, similar to pd.Series.apply
# 0 (false) / 1 (true) is used for Boolean values 

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="text" -v newcolumn="text2"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="text" -v newcolumn="is_empty" -v is_empty=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="text" -v newcolumn="length" -v len=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_lt" -v lt=1 -v value=700  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_gt" -v gt=1 -v value=700  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_ge" -v ge=1 -v value=700  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_le" -v le=1 -v value=700  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_eq" -v eq=1 -v value=700  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="area" -v newcolumn="area_count" -v charcount=1 -v value="1"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="area" -v newcolumn="area_count" -v charcount=1 -v value="0"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="area" -v newcolumn="area_strcontains" -v strcontains=1 -v value="000"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_sorted" -v sortletters=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_replaced" -v strreplace=1 -v old=andro -v new=BUDU  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="area" -v newcolumn="area_abs" -v absolute=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_leven" -v leven=1 -v str="android.view.View"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_starts" -v strstartswith=1 -v value="android.view"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_ends" -v strendswith=1 -v value="android.view"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_rstrip" -v strrstrip=1 -v value="w"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_lstrip" -v strlstrip=1 -v value="a"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_spacestrip" -v spacestrip=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_upper" -v strupper=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_lower" -v strlower=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="text" -v newcolumn="text2"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | text2                      |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |                            |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |                            |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |                            |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |                            |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   |                            |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | Anocris                    |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="text" -v newcolumn="is_empty" -v is_empty=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | is_empty |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1        |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 0        |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="text" -v newcolumn="length" -v len=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | length |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0      |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0      |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0      |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0      |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 0      |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 7      |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_lt" -v lt=1 -v value=700  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | centerx_lt |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1          |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1          |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1          |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1          |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1          |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 0          |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_gt" -v gt=1 -v value=700  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | centerx_gt |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 0          |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 1          |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_ge" -v ge=1 -v value=700  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | centerx_ge |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 0          |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 1          |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_le" -v le=1 -v value=700  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | centerx_le |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1          |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1          |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1          |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1          |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1          |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 0          |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_eq" -v eq=1 -v value=700  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | centerx_eq |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 0          |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 0          |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="area" -v newcolumn="area_count" -v charcount=1 -v value="1"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | area_count |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1          |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1          |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1          |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1          |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1          |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 1          |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="area" -v newcolumn="area_count" -v charcount=1 -v value="0"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | area_count |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 4          |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 4          |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 4          |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 4          |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 3          |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 1          |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="area" -v newcolumn="area_strcontains" -v strcontains=1 -v value="000"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | area_strcontains |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 4                |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 4                |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 4                |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 4                |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 0                |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 0                |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_sorted" -v sortletters=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | class_sorted                              |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | ..FLaaadddeegiimnoorrttuwy                |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | ..LLaaadddeegiiinnoorrttuwy               |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | ..FLaaadddeegiimnoorrttuwy                |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | ..FLaaadddeegiimnoorrttuwy                |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | ...DLaaaaaddddeeegiilnooorrrrrtttuuwwwxyy |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | ..TVadddeeegiiinorttwwx                   |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_replaced" -v strreplace=1 -v old=andro -v new=BUDU  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | class_replaced                           |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | BUDUid.widget.FrameLayout                |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | BUDUid.widget.LinearLayout               |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | BUDUid.widget.FrameLayout                |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | BUDUid.widget.FrameLayout                |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | BUDUidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | BUDUid.widget.TextView                   |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="area" -v newcolumn="area_abs" -v absolute=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | area_abs |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1440000  |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1440000  |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1440000  |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1440000  |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1407600  |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 18270    |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_leven" -v leven=1 -v str="android.view.View"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | class_leven |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 14          |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 14          |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 14          |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 14          |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 28          |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 8           |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_starts" -v strstartswith=1 -v value="android.view"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | class_starts |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0            |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0            |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0            |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0            |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 0            |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 0            |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_ends" -v strendswith=1 -v value="android.view"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | class_ends |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0          |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 0          |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 0          |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_rstrip" -v strrstrip=1 -v value="w"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | class_rstrip                              |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | android.widget.FrameLayout                |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | android.widget.LinearLayout               |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | android.widget.FrameLayout                |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | android.widget.FrameLayout                |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | android.widget.TextVie                    |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_lstrip" -v strlstrip=1 -v value="a"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | class_lstrip                             |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | ndroid.widget.FrameLayout                |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | ndroid.widget.LinearLayout               |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | ndroid.widget.FrameLayout                |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | ndroid.widget.FrameLayout                |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | ndroidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | ndroid.widget.TextView                   |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_spacestrip" -v spacestrip=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | class_spacestrip                          |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | android.widget.FrameLayout                |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | android.widget.LinearLayout               |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | android.widget.FrameLayout                |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | android.widget.FrameLayout                |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | android.widget.TextView                   |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_upper" -v strupper=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | class_upper                               |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | ANDROID.WIDGET.FRAMELAYOUT                |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | ANDROID.WIDGET.LINEARLAYOUT               |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | ANDROID.WIDGET.FRAMELAYOUT                |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | ANDROID.WIDGET.FRAMELAYOUT                |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | ANDROIDX.DRAWERLAYOUT.WIDGET.DRAWERLAYOUT |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | ANDROID.WIDGET.TEXTVIEW                   |
b0q:/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_lower" -v strlower=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | class_lower                               |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | android.widget.framelayout                |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | android.widget.linearlayout               |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | android.widget.framelayout                |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | android.widget.framelayout                |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.drawerlayout |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | android.widget.textview                   |

combining loc and apply

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="width>>300#height>>90#class~~view#enabled==false#area>=0#starty<=10000"  | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_leven" -v leven=1 -v str="android.view.View" | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="class_leven<<10" | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

# /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="width>>300#height>>90#class~~view#enabled==false#area>=0#starty<=10000"  -> same query as mentioned above 
# awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="class" -v newcolumn="class_leven" -v leven=1 -v str="android.view.View"  -> add a new column (class_leven) with the Levenshtein string distance (leven=1) to android.view.View from the column class 
# awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="class_leven<<10" -> Only show the results where the string distance is less than 10
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                  | class                    | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | class_leven |
7             | 0     |                            |                                              | android.view.View        | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 0           |
8             | 1     |                            |                                              | android.view.ViewGroup   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 5           |
10            | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/searchPlayIcon    | android.widget.ImageView | com.bluestacks.launcher | searchbar    | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 170    | 189  | 131    | 150  | 179     | 140     | 361     | 19    | 19     | 9           |
12            | 2     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/searchIcon        | android.widget.ImageView | com.bluestacks.launcher | searchbar    | false     | false   | true      | true    | true      | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 712    | 731  | 131    | 150  | 721     | 140     | 361     | 19    | 19     | 9           |
14            | 0     |                            |                                              | android.view.ViewGroup   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 44     | 856  | 202    | 1290 | 450     | 746     | 883456  | 812   | 1088   | 5           |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three    | android.widget.TextView  | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     | 8           |
# # finds all elements where text is not an empty string and where centerx is less or equal 700
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="text" -v newcolumn="is_empty" -v is_empty=1 | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="is_empty==1" | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_le" -v le=1 -v value=700 | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="centerx_le==1" | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | is_empty | centerx_le |
1             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          |
2             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          |
3             | 0     |      | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          |
4             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          |
5             | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1        | 1          |
31            | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_image_two        | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 406    | 497  | 1414   | 1505 | 451     | 1459    | 8281    | 91    | 91     | 1        | 1          |
# finds all elements where text is not an empty string and where centerx is less or equal 700 and centery is greater than 100
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="text" -v newcolumn="is_empty" -v is_empty=1 | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="is_empty==1" -v and=1 | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_le" -v le=1 -v value=700 | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="centerx_le==1" -v and=1 | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centery" -v newcolumn="centery_gt" -v gt=1 -v value=100 |  awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="centery_gt==1" -v and=1  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | is_empty | centerx_le | centery_gt |
1             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 1          |
2             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 1          |
3             | 0     |      | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 1          |
4             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 1          |
5             | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1        | 1          | 1          |
31            | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_image_two        | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 406    | 497  | 1414   | 1505 | 451     | 1459    | 8281    | 91    | 91     | 1        | 1          | 1          |
b0q:/ $

own apply functions

apply any function/script you want against any column

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/awkapply/apply.awk -v column="text" -v newcolumn="text2" -v apply="{printf length(\$0)}" | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/awkapply/apply.awk -v column="endy" -v newcolumn="endy2" -v apply="{printf (\$0 \> 700)}"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/awkapply/apply.awk -v column="clickable" -v newcolumn="is_clickable" -v apply="{printf (\$0 \~ \"true\")}"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

# getting the text length
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/awkapply/apply.awk -v column="text" -v newcolumn="text2" -v apply="{printf length(\$0)}" | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | text2 |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |       |
20            | 5     |                            |                                                 | android.view.View                         | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | true      | true    | true      | false   | false      | true           | false    | false    | 584    | 854  | 474    | 746  | 719     | 610     | 73440   | 270   | 272    |       |
21            | 2     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/dock                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 1367   | 1600 | 450     | 1483    | 209700  | 900   | 233    |       |
22            | 0     | JOGOS POPULARES PARA JOGAR | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/popular_gam          | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 1376   | 1401 | 450     | 1388    | 22500   | 900   | 25     | 26    |
28            | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/popup_image_one      | android.widget.ImageView                  | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 153    | 176  | 1417   | 1440 | 164     | 1428    | 529     | 23    | 23     |       |
35            | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/popup_image_three    | android.widget.ImageView                  | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 788    | 811  | 1417   | 1440 | 799     | 1428    | 529     | 23    | 23     |       |

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/awkapply/apply.awk -v column="endy" -v newcolumn="endy2" -v apply="{printf (\$0 \> 700)}"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | endy2 |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1     |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1     |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1     |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1     |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1     |
10            | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/searchPlayIcon       | android.widget.ImageView                  | com.bluestacks.launcher | searchbar    | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 170    | 189  | 131    | 150  | 179     | 140     | 361     | 19    | 19     | 0     |

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/awkapply/apply.awk -v column="clickable" -v newcolumn="is_clickable" -v apply="{printf (\$0 \~ \"true\")}"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | is_clickable |
1             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0            |
2             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0            |
3             | 0     |                            | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0            |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 0            |
5             | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 0            |
11            | 1     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/searchEditText       | android.widget.EditText                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | true      | true    | true      | true    | false      | true           | false    | false    | 188    | 712  | 117    | 166  | 450     | 141     | 25676   | 524   | 49     | 1            |

locating colors

filter the data first

# find the elements that you want to analyze, and save the result to a file:
 sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="text" -v newcolumn="is_empty" -v is_empty=1 | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="is_empty==1" | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_le" -v le=1 -v value=700 | awk -f /sdcard/loc/aloc.awk -v query="centerx_le==1" > /sdcard/fifi.txt
## get dominant color

one color

get dominant color

# get the dominant color in each element
screencap | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%d," "\n"' | awk -f /sdcard/loc/rloc.awk -v col1=startx -v col2=starty -v col3=endx -v col4=endy -v newcolumn=dom_color -v dominant_color=1 -v fi=/sdcard/fifi.txt  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
# elements whose size is as big as the whole screen are ignored. To include them, use -v scan_full_size=1
screencap | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%d," "\n"' | awk -f /sdcard/loc/rloc.awk -v scan_full_size=1 -v col1=startx -v col2=starty -v col3=endx -v col4=endy -v newcolumn=dom_color -v dominant_color=1 -v fi=/sdcard/fifi.txt  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

element_index | index | text | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | is_empty | centerx_le | dom_color_r | dom_color_g | dom_color_b |
1             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1          | -1          | -1          |
2             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1          | -1          | -1          |
3             | 0     |      | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1          | -1          | -1          |
4             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1          | -1          | -1          |
5             | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1        | 1          | 2           | 6           | 35          |
31            | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_image_two        | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 406    | 497  | 1414   | 1505 | 451     | 1459    | 8281    | 91    | 91     | 1        | 1          | 7           | 4           | 12          |

screencap | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%d," "\n"' | awk -f /sdcard/loc/rloc.awk -v scan_full_size=1 -v col1=startx -v col2=starty -v col3=endx -v col4=endy -v newcolumn=dom_color -v dominant_color=1 -v fi=/sdcard/fifi.txt  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | is_empty | centerx_le | dom_color_r | dom_color_g | dom_color_b |
1             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 2           | 6           | 35          |
2             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 2           | 6           | 35          |
3             | 0     |      | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 2           | 6           | 35          |
4             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 2           | 6           | 35          |
5             | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1        | 1          | 2           | 6           | 35          |
31            | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_image_two        | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 406    | 497  | 1414   | 1505 | 451     | 1459    | 8281    | 91    | 91     | 1        | 1          | 7           | 4           | 12          |

count one color

# elements whose size is as big as the whole screen are ignored. To include them, use -v scan_full_size=1

screencap | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%d," "\n"' | awk -f /sdcard/loc/rloc.awk -v col1=startx -v col2=starty -v col3=endx -v col4=endy -v newcolumn=color_count -v rgb=255,255,255 -v count_one_color=1 -v fi=/sdcard/fifi.txt  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

# for multiple colors:
screencap | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%d," "\n"' | awk -f /sdcard/loc/rloc.awk -v col1=startx -v col2=starty -v col3=endx -v col4=endy -v newcolumn=color_count -v rgbvalues=24,24,24#25,25,25 -v count_one_color=1 -v fi=/sdcard/fifi.txt  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

element_index | index | text | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | is_empty | centerx_le | color_count |
1             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0           |
2             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0           |
3             | 0     |      | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0           |
4             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0           |
5             | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1        | 1          | 39770       |
31            | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_image_two        | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 406    | 497  | 1414   | 1505 | 451     | 1459    | 8281    | 91    | 91     | 1        | 1          | 0           |

check if a color is present

# elements whose size is as big as the whole screen are ignored. To include them, use -v scan_full_size=1
screencap | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%d," "\n"' | awk -f /sdcard/loc/rloc.awk -v col1=startx -v col2=starty -v col3=endx -v col4=endy -v newcolumn=is_there -v rgb=255,255,255 -v is_one_color_there=1 -v fi=/sdcard/fifi.txt  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

# for multiple colors 
screencap | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%d," "\n"' | awk -f /sdcard/loc/rloc.awk -v col1=startx -v col2=starty -v col3=endx -v col4=endy -v newcolumn=is_there -v rgbvalues=24,24,24#25,25,25 -v is_one_color_there=1 -v fi=/sdcard/fifi.txt  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

element_index | index | text | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | is_empty | centerx_le | is_there |
1             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0        |
2             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0        |
3             | 0     |      | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0        |
4             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0        |
5             | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1        | 1          | 1        |
31            | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_image_two        | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 406    | 497  | 1414   | 1505 | 451     | 1459    | 8281    | 91    | 91     | 1        | 1          | 0        |

get average coordinates of a color

# elements whose size is as big as the whole screen are ignored. To include them, use -v scan_full_size=1
screencap | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%d," "\n"' | awk -f /sdcard/loc/rloc.awk -v col1=startx -v col2=starty -v col3=endx -v col4=endy -v newcolumn=avg -v rgb=255,255,255 -v get_avarage_coord=1 -v fi=/sdcard/fifi.txt  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
# for multiple colors:
screencap | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%d," "\n"' | awk -f /sdcard/loc/rloc.awk -v col1=startx -v col2=starty -v col3=endx -v col4=endy -v newcolumn=avg -v rgbvalues=24,24,24#25,25,25 -v get_avarage_coord=1 -v fi=/sdcard/fifi.txt  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | is_empty | centerx_le | avg_x | avg_y |
1             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1    | -1    |
2             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1    | -1    |
3             | 0     |      | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1    | -1    |
4             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1    | -1    |
5             | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1        | 1          | 417   | 207   |
31            | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_image_two        | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 406    | 497  | 1414   | 1505 | 451     | 1459    | 8281    | 91    | 91     | 1        | 1          | -1    | -1    |

get average color in a region

# elements whose size is as big as the whole screen are ignored. To include them, use -v scan_full_size=1

screencap | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%d," "\n"' | awk -f /sdcard/loc/rloc.awk -v col1=startx -v col2=starty -v col3=endx -v col4=endy -v newcolumn=avg_color -v average_color=1 -v fi=/sdcard/fifi.txt  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | is_empty | centerx_le | avg_color_r | avg_color_g | avg_color_b |
1             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1          | -1          | -1          |
2             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1          | -1          | -1          |
3             | 0     |      | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1          | -1          | -1          |
4             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1          | -1          | -1          |
5             | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1        | 1          | 16          | 20          | 46          |
31            | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_image_two        | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 406    | 497  | 1414   | 1505 | 451     | 1459    | 8281    | 91    | 91     | 1        | 1          | 136         | 80          | 73          |

color range

count color range

# elements whose size is as big as the whole screen are ignored. To include them, use -v scan_full_size=1
rgbrange is red_min, red_max, green_min, green_max, blue_min, blue_max 

screencap | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%d," "\n"' | awk -f /sdcard/loc/rloc.awk -v col1=startx -v col2=starty -v col3=endx -v col4=endy -v newcolumn=color_count -v rgbrange=250,255,250,255,240,255 -v count_one_color=1 -v fi=/sdcard/fifi.txt  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

element_index | index | text | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | is_empty | centerx_le | color_count |
1             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0           |
2             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0           |
3             | 0     |      | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0           |
4             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0           |
5             | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1        | 1          | 40335       |
31            | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_image_two        | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 406    | 497  | 1414   | 1505 | 451     | 1459    | 8281    | 91    | 91     | 1        | 1          | 0           |

check if a color range is present

# elements whose size is as big as the whole screen are ignored. To include them, use -v scan_full_size=1

rgbrange is red_min, red_max, green_min, green_max, blue_min, blue_max 
screencap | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%d," "\n"' | awk -f /sdcard/loc/rloc.awk -v col1=startx -v col2=starty -v col3=endx -v col4=endy -v newcolumn=is_there -v rgbrange=250,255,250,255,240,255 -v is_one_color_there=1 -v fi=/sdcard/fifi.txt  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | is_empty | centerx_le | is_there |
1             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0        |
2             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0        |
3             | 0     |      | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0        |
4             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | 0        |
5             | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1        | 1          | 1        |
31            | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_image_two        | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 406    | 497  | 1414   | 1505 | 451     | 1459    | 8281    | 91    | 91     | 1        | 1          | 0        |

average coordinates of a color range

# elements whose size is as big as the whole screen are ignored. To include them, use -v scan_full_size=1

rgbrange is red_min, red_max, green_min, green_max, blue_min, blue_max 

screencap | hexdump -v -e '4/1 "%d," "\n"' | awk -f /sdcard/loc/rloc.awk -v col1=startx -v col2=starty -v col3=endx -v col4=endy -v newcolumn=avg -v rgbrange=250,255,250,255,240,255 -v get_avarage_coord=1 -v fi=/sdcard/fifi.txt  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | is_empty | centerx_le | avg_x | avg_y |
1             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1    | -1    |
2             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1    | -1    |
3             | 0     |      | android:id/content                              | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1    | -1    |
4             | 0     |      |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   | 1        | 1          | -1    | -1    |
5             | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1        | 1          | 417   | 210   |
31            | 0     |      | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_image_two        | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 406    | 497  | 1414   | 1505 | 451     | 1459    | 8281    | 91    | 91     | 1        | 1          | -1    | -1    |
b0q:/ $

Colors without elements

# dump rgb data:
sh /sdcard/rgb/fastrgbdump.sh -x0 151 -y0 750 -x1 217 -y1 766
183,762,2,6,35 # x, y, r, g, b
# dump rgb data from region with already captured screen
screencap >/sdcard/rgb/capscreen.tmp
sh /sdcard/rgb/fastrgbdump.sh -f /sdcard/rgb/capscreen.tmp -x0 151 -y0 750 -x1 217 -y1 766
183,762,2,6,35 # x, y, r, g, b
# hexdump to a file
sh /sdcard/rgb/fastrgbdump.sh --onlyhexdump 1 >/sdcard/rgb/hexdump.tmp
sh /sdcard/rgb/fastrgbdump.sh -x /sdcard/rgb/hexdump.tmp -x0 151 -y0 750 -x1 217 -y1 766
183,762,2,6,35 # x, y, r, g, b
# count colors in a region
sh /sdcard/rgb/fastrgbdump.sh --colorcount 1 -x0 151 -y0 750 -x1 217 -y1 766
1056:2,6,35 # qty, r,g, b
# color at coordinate
sh /sdcard/rgb/fastrgbdump.sh -x0 151 -y0 750
151,750,2,6,35 # x, y, r, g, b

# search for colors in a region
sh /sdcard/rgb/fastrgbdump.sh --rgbcolors 255,255,255#2,6,35 -x0 151 -y0 750 -x1 317 -y1 766
# check if any of the colors are in a region (returns 0 for true, 1 for false)
sh /sdcard/rgb/fastrgbdump.sh --inregion 1 --rgbcolors 2,6,35#255,255,255 -x0 151 -y0 750 -x1 317 -y1 766


sortby="centery;area" # first centery 
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | sh /sdcard/sortby/sortbycol.sh "$sortby" "$file" "$numeric" | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

element_index | index | text | resource-id                                        | class                                     | package    | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height |
25            | 1     |      | android:id/statusBarBackground                     | android.view.View                         | com.termux |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 36   | 450     | 18      | 32400   | 900   | 36     |
6             | 0     |      | com.termux:id/drawer_layout                        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.termux |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 4      | 896  | 36     | 1486 | 450     | 761     | 1293400 | 892   | 1450   |
7             | 0     |      | com.termux:id/terminal_view                        | android.view.View                         | com.termux |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | true      | true    | false      | true           | false    | false    | 4      | 896  | 36     | 1486 | 450     | 761     | 1293400 | 892   | 1450   |
1             | 0     |      |                                                    | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.termux |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |
2             | 0     |      |                                                    | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.termux |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |
22            | 12    | →  |                                                    | android.widget.Button                     | com.termux |              | false     | false   | true      | true    | true      | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 641    | 769  | 1542   | 1598 | 705     | 1570    | 7168    | 128   | 56     |

drop duplicates by columns

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f "/sdcard/dropdu/dropdu.awk" -v columns="class" | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text    | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height |
9             | 0     |         | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/searchRelativeLayout | android.widget.RelativeLayout             | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | true      | true    | true      | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 151    | 750  | 117    | 166  | 450     | 141     | 29351   | 599   | 49     |
5             | 0     |         | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/drawer_layout        | androidx.drawerlayout.widget.DrawerLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   |
34            | 0     |         | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_image_three      | android.widget.FrameLayout                | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 723    | 814  | 1414   | 1505 | 768     | 1459    | 8281    | 91    | 91     |
14            | 0     |         |                                                 | android.view.ViewGroup                    | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 44     | 856  | 202    | 1290 | 450     | 746     | 883456  | 812   | 1088   |
33            | 2     |         | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/appThreeLinearLayout | android.widget.LinearLayout               | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | true      | true    | true      | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1401   | 1576 | 755     | 1488    | 50750   | 290   | 175    |
35            | 0     |         | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/popup_image_three    | android.widget.ImageView                  | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 788    | 811  | 1417   | 1440 | 799     | 1428    | 529     | 23    | 23     |
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f "/sdcard/dropdu/dropdu.awk" -v columns="centerx,centery"  | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                       | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height |
30            | 1     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/appTwoLinearLayout   | android.widget.LinearLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | true      | true    | true      | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 293    | 610  | 1401   | 1576 | 451     | 1488    | 55475   | 317   | 175    |
35            | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/popup_image_three    | android.widget.ImageView    | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 788    | 811  | 1417   | 1440 | 799     | 1428    | 529     | 23    | 23     |
20            | 5     |                            |                                                 | android.view.View           | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | true      | true    | true      | false   | false      | true           | false    | false    | 584    | 854  | 474    | 746  | 719     | 610     | 73440   | 270   | 272    |
25            | 0     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/allappsLinearLayout  | android.widget.LinearLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 1401   | 1576 | 450     | 1488    | 157500  | 900   | 175    |
32            | 1     | Primon Legion              | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_two         | android.widget.TextView     | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 293    | 610  | 1513   | 1576 | 451     | 1544    | 19971   | 317   | 63     |
21            | 2     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/dock                 | android.widget.LinearLayout | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 1367   | 1600 | 450     | 1483    | 209700  | 900   | 233    |
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f "/sdcard/dropdu/dropdu.awk" -v columns="area,width" | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                         | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height |
21            | 2     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/dock                 | android.widget.LinearLayout   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 1367   | 1600 | 450     | 1483    | 209700  | 900   | 233    |
14            | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.view.ViewGroup        | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 44     | 856  | 202    | 1290 | 450     | 746     | 883456  | 812   | 1088   |
37            | 1     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/viewBackground       | android.view.View             | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 1484   | 1600 | 450     | 1542    | 104400  | 900   | 116    |
36            | 1     | Anocris                    | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_three       | android.widget.TextView       | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 610    | 900  | 1513   | 1576 | 755     | 1544    | 18270   | 290   | 63     |
4             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.widget.FrameLayout    | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 0      | 1600 | 450     | 800     | 1440000 | 900   | 1600   |
12            | 2     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/searchIcon           | android.widget.ImageView      | com.bluestacks.launcher | searchbar    | false     | false   | true      | true    | true      | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 712    | 731  | 131    | 150  | 721     | 140     | 361     | 19    | 19     |

Interacting with elements

click / tap

# click and random click
sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_lt" -v lt=1 -v value=700 > /sdcard/resultsquery.txt
# click on the first element in the results 
sh /sdcard/interactions/tap_first_center_coords.sh --filename /sdcard/resultsquery.txt
# click on a random element in the results 
sh /sdcard/interactions/tap_first_center_coords.sh --filename /sdcard/resultsquery.txt --random 1
# click with offset
sh /sdcard/interactions/tap_first_center_coords.sh --filename /sdcard/resultsquery.txt --random 1 --offsetx 10 --offsety 10


# accents are replaced, newlines can be used 
sh /sdcard/interactions/inputtext.sh --text "Hello my friend\nbibi\nddx"
sh /sdcard/interactions/inputtext.sh --text "Hello my friend\nbibi\nddx" --min 100 --max 200 # default delay between 100 and 200 ms
sh /sdcard/interactions/inputtext.sh --text "Hello my friend\nbibi\nddx" --min 100 --max 200 --lettermin 1 --lettermax 3 # write between 1 and 3 letters at once 


sh /sdcard/inevents/inputtextnatural.sh "Hoje vou sair!"

shuffle stuff

shuffle results

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh | awk -f /sdcard/series/seriesapply.awk -v column="centerx" -v newcolumn="centerx_lt" -v lt=1 -v value=700 > /sdcard/resultsquery.txt

sh /sdcard/useful/shufflestuff.sh --file /sdcard/resultsquery.txt --skipfirst 1 | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk # skips the header
element_index | index | text                       | resource-id                                     | class                                     | package                 | content-desc | checkable | checked | clickable | enabled | focusable | focused | scrollable | long-clickable | password | selected | startx | endx | starty | endy | centerx | centery | area    | width | height | centerx_lt |
12            | 2     |                            | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/searchIcon           | android.widget.ImageView                  | com.bluestacks.launcher | searchbar    | false     | false   | true      | true    | true      | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 712    | 731  | 131    | 150  | 721     | 140     | 361     | 19    | 19     | 0          |
32            | 1     | Primon Legion              | com.bluestacks.launcher:id/app_name_two         | android.widget.TextView                   | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 293    | 610  | 1513   | 1576 | 451     | 1544    | 19971   | 317   | 63     | 1          |
7             | 0     |                            |                                                 | android.view.View                         | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | false     | true    | false     | false   | false      | false          | false    | false    | 0      | 900  | 36     | 1600 | 450     | 818     | 1407600 | 900   | 1564   | 1          |
16            | 1     |                            |                                                 | android.view.View                         | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | true      | true    | true      | false   | false      | true           | false    | false    | 314    | 584  | 202    | 474  | 449     | 338     | 73440   | 270   | 272    | 1          |
17            | 2     |                            |                                                 | android.view.View                         | com.bluestacks.launcher |              | false     | false   | true      | true    | true      | false   | false      | true           | false    | false    | 584    | 854  | 202    | 474  | 719     | 338     | 73440   | 270   | 272    | 0          |

sh /sdcard/useful/shufflestuff.sh --file /sdcard/resultsquery.txt --skipfirst 0 | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk

get true / false of a certain percentage

# returns 30% 0 and 70% 1
sh /sdcard/useful/shufflestuff.sh --percentage 30 

non greedy regex (kind of)

sh /sdcard/regex/regexnongreedy.sh "$regularexpression" "$findshortest" "$string"
# oioioiba
sh /sdcard/regex/regexnongreedy.sh "$regularexpression" "$findshortest" "$string"
# oiba

sendevent tap

# fromn the second time on, it is faster when you use the same config
awk -f /sdcard/interactions/sendeventtap.awk -v x=212 -v y=126 -v devi=event4 -v m=32767 -v w=1600 -v h=900

# if you don't know m (takes a little longer)
awk -f /sdcard/interactions/sendeventtap.awk -v x=212 -v y=126 -v devi=event4 -v w=1600 -v h=900

# if you don't know m, w, h (takes a little longer)
awk -f /sdcard/interactions/sendeventtap.awk -v x=214 -v y=126 -v devi=event4

sendevent keyboard

awk -f /sdcard/interactions/sendeventkeys.awk -v event="EV_KEY" -v keycode="KEY_Q" -v devi="/dev/input/event3" -v duration=1
awk -f /sdcard/interactions/sendeventkeys.awk -v event="EV_KEY" -v keycode="KEY_A" -v devi="/dev/input/event3" -v duration=1

random swipe

# everything in percent except the last 4 values 
sh /sdcard/inevents/swipe_randomly.sh 70 80 45 47 30 40 45 47 1000 3000 5 10
# the values that have to be passed: "$start_height1" "$start_height2" "$start_width1" "$start_width2" "$end_height1" "$end_height2" "$end_width1" "$end_width2" "$swipemintime" "$swipemaxtime" "$min_repeat" "$max_repeat"

random swipe with check

# checks if still can be scrolled, changes direction if it is not possible anymore
while [ "$i" -lt 10 ]; do
    sh /sdcard/showscrolls/swipewithcheck.sh 70 80 45 47 30 40 45 47 1000 3000 5 10 8
    sh /sdcard/showscrolls/swipewithcheck.sh 30 40 45 47 70 80 45 47 1000 3000 5 10 8
    i=$((i + 1))
    sleep 1

grant / revoke permissions

sh /sdcard/useful/grantrevoke.sh --package com.termux --grant 0
sh /sdcard/useful/grantrevoke.sh --package com.termux --grant 1

firefox autoinstall + permissions

sh /sdcard/ffox/installfirefox.sh

firefox downloader

# file + timeout
sh /sdcard/firefoxdownload.sh https://github.com/hansalemaos/Magisk_collection/raw/main/TotalCommander_3.42beta5-1183_minAPI8_arm64-v8a.apk 60

array contains

array_of_numbers=( "1" "2" "3" )
sh /sdcard/useful/array_contains.sh "1" "${array_of_numbers[@]}"

join array

array_of_numbers=( "1" "2" "3" )
sh /sdcard/useful/array_to_string.sh ", " "${array_of_numbers[@]}"

get random number between

sh /sdcard/useful/get_random_number_between.sh 100 200

Generate regex for numbers

sh /sdcard/useful/get_range.sh 100 2000

join str with one char

sh /sdcard/useful/joinsinglechar.sh /sdcard/u.txt "X"

remove charset from string

sh /sdcard/useful/remove_charset_from_string.sh "The Quick Brown Fox" "[aeiou]"

strip quotes

sh /sdcard/useful/strip_quotes.sh ""sdfsdfsd'""

split at delimiter

sh /sdcard/useful/split_string_at.sh "baba,bddd,ba" ","

trim string

sh /sdcard/useful/trim_string.sh "bbdsa "


sh /sdcard/useful/make_touch.sh /sdcard/bibi/baba/sh

get display height/width

read width height <<< $(sh /sdcard/useful/getwidthheight.sh)

check internet connection

if result > 0 -> working

sh /sdcard/useful/internetconnectioncheck.sh

get random line from file

sh /sdcard/useful/randomlinefromfile.sh /sdcard/u.txt

get line from file (starting at 1)

sh /sdcard/useful/get_line_from_file.sh 1 /sdcard/u.txt

generate password

sh /sdcard/useful/generatepassword.sh 16
# )H0HUt$S+4*&rOx*

check if keyboard shown

returns 0 if shown, else 1

sh /sdcard/inevents/iskeyboardshown.sh

common and different lines in 2 files

sh  /sdcard/uniqueandcommon.sh /sdcard/u.sh /sdcard/p.txt

generate email

sh generateemail "$saveinfile" "$lastnames" "$firstnames_male" "$firstnames_female"

analyze elements - find element changes

# arguments: first capture / second capture / difference / parser 
sh /sdcard/printer/getelementdifference.sh /sdcard/ele1.txt /sdcard/ele2.txt /sdcard/elediff2.txt /sdcard/fragmentparser/awkparser.sh
cat /sdcard/elediff2.txt

sh /sdcard/printer/getelementdifference.sh /sdcard/ele1.txt /sdcard/ele2.txt /sdcard/elediff3.txt sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparser.sh
cat /sdcard/elediff3.txt

random sleep

# sleeps 10 times between 0.0 and 0.2 seconds
sh /sdcard/useful/randomsleep.sh 10

check top activity

sh /sdcard/useful/topactivitycontains.sh instagram

test keyevents

# return/y/Y == yes
sh /sdcard/useful/testkeyevents.sh

template - awk get path of executed script

awk -f /sdcard/useful/templateawkgetownpath.awk

execute python scripts using termux

# pkg install python
# pkg up 
# pkg rei libexpat
# copy to /sdcard/testpycommand.py
from time import sleep
while True:
    print (f"test {i}")
    if i>10:
# execute in termux
sh /sdcard/termuxstuff/termuxexe.sh --termux 1 --sleep 1 --split "#"

# execute in the shell
sh /sdcard/termuxstuff/termuxexe.sh --termux 0 --sleep 1 --split "#" --pythonscript testpycommand.py

generate random data from input

# This AWK script processes input files, manipulates strings based on various parameters, and generates random output strings according to the provided criteria. The command line parameters allow for customization of the output generation process.

# /sdcard/test1.txt 


# /sdcard/test2.txt 


# /sdcard/test3.txt 


awk -f /sdcard/useful/generaterandomdata.awk -v total_output=20 -v percent_space_replace=30 -v space_replace="HHHH" -v outputseps="X#Q#P" -v percent_accents=100 -v percent_number=54 -v random_number_start=10000 -v random_number_end=20000  -v percent_low=20 -v percent_up=30 -v percent_camel=20 -v sep="#" -v files=/sdcard/test1.txt#/sdcard/test2.txt#/sdcard/test3.txt

-v total_output=20: Sets the total number of output strings to generate.
-v percent_space_replace=30: Sets the percentage of output strings that will have space replaced.
-v space_replace="HHHH": Sets the replacement string for spaces.
-v outputseps="X#Q#P": Sets the possible output separators for concatenating strings.
-v percent_accents=100: Sets the percentage of output strings that will have accents removed.
-v percent_number=54: Sets the percentage of output strings that will have a random number added.
-v random_number_start=10000: Sets the start value for the random number to add.
-v random_number_end=20000: Sets the end value for the random number to add.
-v percent_low=20: Sets the percentage of output strings that will be converted to lowercase.
-v percent_up=30: Sets the percentage of output strings that will be converted to uppercase.
-v percent_camel=20: Sets the percentage of output strings that will be converted to camel case.
-v sep="#": Sets the separator used in the input files.
-v files=/sdcard/test1.txt#/sdcard/test2.txt#/sdcard/test3.txt: Sets the input files to read data from.

testfile1 a3xtestfile2 b1axxtestfile3 c1X14804
Testfile1 a1qTestfile2 b3axqTestfile3 c3
Testfile1 a3qTestfile2 b2axqTestfile3 c4
Testfile1 a3xTestfile2 b1axxTestfile3 c2

get n random lines from file

sh /sdcard/useful/get_n_random_lines_from_file.sh /sdcard/test3.txt 10

copy files to device (cygwin or msys64 needed)

ls -ltrR | awk -v cmdfile="c:/outfile.bat" -v win=1 -v serial="" -v dst="/sdcard/" -v adbpath="C:/Program Files/BlueStacks_nxt/HD-Adb.exe" -f copyfilestodevice.awk
# cmdfile - specifies the output file where commands will be written.  (defaults to "")
# win - specifies whether the host system is Windows or not. (defaults to 0)
# serial - specifies the serial number of the Android device. (defaults to
# dst - specifies the destination folder on the Android device. (defaults to /sdcard/)
# adbpath - specifies the path to the adb executable. (defaults to adb)

copy files to device (linux only )

sh ./useful/copyfolder2device.sh --serial --src /etc/emustuff/data/adb_pure_bash --dst /sdcard

force read/write mount

su -c "sh /sdcard/useful/forcemountrw.sh"

copy busybox to /system/bin and create symlinks (tested with KernelSu)

su -c "sh /sdcard/useful/createbusylinks.sh"  

group elements from uiautomator

sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparserjoin.sh | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk     

Standard PC (Q35 + ICH9, 2009):/ $ sh /sdcard/elementparser/elementparserjoin.sh | awk -f /sdcard/printer/awk_pretty_print.awk                                                                                                                                                                                           
text                      | resource-id                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           | class                                                                                                                          | package                                                                                                                        | content-desc                           | checkable                            | checked                              | clickable                            | enabled                        | focusable                         | focused                              | scrollable                           | long-clickable                       | password                             | selected                             | startx         | endx                     | starty       | endy                           | centerx                  | centery                  | area                                       | width                    |                                | 
|                         | |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | |android.widget.FrameLayout                                                                                                    | |com.android.systemui                                                                                                          | |                                      | |false                               | |false                               | |false                               | |true                          | |false                            | |false                               | |false                               | |false                               | |false                               | |false                               | |0             | |720                     | |0           | |1280                          | |360                     | |640                     | |921600                                    | |720                     | |1280                          | 
||||||                    | |com.android.systemui:id/scrim_behind|com.android.systemui:id/scrim_notifications|com.android.systemui:id/light_reveal_scrim|com.android.systemui:id/visualizerview|com.android.systemui:id/scrim_in_front|com.android.systemui:id/notification_panel | |android.view.View|android.view.View|android.view.View|android.widget.FrameLayout|android.view.View|android.widget.FrameLayout | |com.android.systemui|com.android.systemui|com.android.systemui|com.android.systemui|com.android.systemui|com.android.systemui | ||||||                                 | |false|false|false|false|false|false | |false|false|false|false|false|false | |false|false|false|false|false|false | |true|true|true|true|true|true | |true|true|false|false|true|false | |false|false|false|false|false|false | |false|false|false|false|false|false | |false|false|false|false|false|false | |false|false|false|false|false|false | |false|false|false|false|false|false | |0|0|0|0|0|0   | |720|720|720|720|720|720 | |0|0|0|0|0|0 | |1280|1280|1280|1280|1280|1280 | |360|360|360|360|360|360 | |640|640|640|640|640|640 | |921600|921600|921600|921600|921600|921600 | |720|720|720|720|720|720 | |1280|1280|1280|1280|1280|1280 | 
|||                       | |com.android.systemui:id/keyguard_long_press|com.android.systemui:id/preview_container|com.android.systemui:id/notification_container_parent                                                                                                          | |android.view.View|android.widget.FrameLayout|android.view.ViewGroup                                                           | |com.android.systemui|com.android.systemui|com.android.systemui                                                                | |||                                    | |false|false|false                   | |false|false|false                   | |false|false|false                   | |true|true|true                | |false|false|false                | |false|false|false                   | |false|false|false                   | |false|false|false                   | |false|false|false                   | |false|false|false                   | |0|0|0         | |720|720|720             | |0|0|0       | |1280|1280|1280                | |360|360|360             | |640|640|640             | |921600|921600|921600                      | |720|720|720             | |1280|1280|1280                | 
|                         | |com.android.systemui:id/split_shade_status_bar                                                                                                                                                                                                       | |android.view.ViewGroup                                                                                                        | |com.android.systemui                                                                                                          | |                                      | |false                               | |false                               | |false                               | |true                          | |true                             | |false                               | |false                               | |false                               | |false                               | |false                               | |0             | |720                     | |0           | |56                            | |360                     | |28                      | |40320                                     | |720                     | |56                            | 
|07:39|Seg., 13 de mai.|| | |com.android.systemui:id/clock|com.android.systemui:id/date|com.android.systemui:id/carrier_group|com.android.systemui:id/statusIcons                                                                                                                 | |android.widget.TextView|android.widget.TextView|android.widget.LinearLayout|android.widget.LinearLayout                       | |com.android.systemui|com.android.systemui|com.android.systemui|com.android.systemui                                           | |07:39|||                              | |false|false|false|false             | |false|false|false|false             | |false|false|false|false             | |true|true|true|true           | |false|false|false|false          | |false|false|false|false             | |false|false|false|false             | |false|false|false|false             | |false|false|false|false             | |false|false|false|false             | |24|70|170|664 | |62|170|664|688          | |0|0|0|4     | |56|56|56|52                   | |43|120|417|676          | |28|28|28|28             | |2128|5600|27664|1152                      | |38|100|494|24           | |56|56|56|48                   |