
Binds an IP-address to a subprocess through network namespaces - Linux only

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Binds an IP-address to a subprocess through network namespaces - Linux only

Tested against Ubuntu / Python 3.11 + 3.10 / Anaconda

pip install pylinuxnetnamespace

Simplifies Network Namespace Management:

This library streamlines the process of creating and managing network namespaces and routing rules, reducing complexity and manual configuration efforts.

Effortless Command Execution:

With this library, executing commands within network namespaces becomes straightforward, allowing users to interact with isolated environments effortlessly.

Automation for Isolated Environments:

It provides a convenient way to automate the setup of isolated network environments, making it ideal for automating testing or development environments.

Streamlined Source NAT Configuration:

The library simplifies the configuration of Source NAT (SNAT) rules, a common requirement for network management.

	su_password (str): The superuser (sudo) password.
	networkip (str): The IP address to bind to the process.
	networkinterface (str, optional): The network interface to apply NAT rules to (default is 'eth0').
	nameserver (str, optional): The DNS nameserver IP address (default is '').
	new_ip_start (str, optional): The starting IP address range for creating network interfaces (default is '192.168.').
	virtual_namespace_prefix (str, optional): The prefix for naming network namespaces (default is 'eth').

	IpRun: An IpRun instance with the specified configuration.

	# Create a bound subprocess that binds an IP address to a process using network namespaces.
	 from pylinuxnetnamespace import get_bound_subprocess_Popen
	bindedsubproc = get_bound_subprocess_Popen(su_password='1',

	# bindedsubproc behaves like the subprocess.Popen class
	# you have to create it only once and can use it multiple times
	bindedsubproc('ping', shell=True)
	bindedsubproc('ping google.com', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)