
Simpson's Quote Trivia with Gifs!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project 1: Simpsons Quote Trivia

“I’m Bart Simpson. Who the hell are you?”: One of the epic questions of our lifetime. Indeed. Who the hell are you?

Matt Groening’s The Simpsons was introduced as a full half-hour, animated television series in 1989. Children and families of the 1990s had Bart Simpson quotes plastered all over posters, t-shirts, keychains, squirt bottles, fanny packs, skateboards, and all sorts of merchandise. Some of Bart’s most iconic sayings included “Don’t have a cow man!”, “Eat My Shorts”, “Cowabunga, dude!” Cut to 31 years later and we have found these lines to be mostly forgettable.

How are these lines forgettable? Because in 30 years of episodes, dozens of writers, thousands of world and pop culture events, and nearly 50 recurring characters, the lexicon of Simpsons quotations has grown exponentially. Ask any person what their favorite Simpsons character or quote is, and you will almost always receive a different answer. Some of these lines have been hard-coded into our brains for the last quarter century. For some, the knowledge runs deep. This is our intended audience.

We offer this simple Javascript game to the Simpsons connoisseur as a way to show that you are the ultimate authority on The Simpsons. High scores are rewarded with a Simpsons gif courtesy of the Giphy Developers API. It’s time to test your knowledge!

Game Description

Game Description: User is given a quote from a Simpsons character. The user then chooses which character is quoted from four options. If the user guesses correctly, points are added to their score. The score modal will then display a gif. The game utilizes the Giphy Developers API and Simpsons Quote API. The page was built using Bulma, an open source CSS Framework.

User Story

AS A Simpsons fan... I WANT to prove that I am the most knowledgeable fan. WHEN the user starts the game…. THEN they are presented with a quote and possible answers. WHEN correct answers are selected…. THEN score counter increases. WHEN the game is complete... THEN an image is presented based on score and the user is prompted to enter a name for a high score.

Motivation for Development

As Simpsons fans, we felt it important to be able to show how well we know our favorite Simpsons characters and quotes. So, we decided to create a simple Javascript game to prove to who knows the most about the Simpsons. Our secondary motivation was to provide wholesome entertainment during quarantine.