
"Computer Exercise 2" -- Image Sampling and Quantization

Primary LanguageMatlab

Image Sampling and Quantization

Procedure Details


  1. Read the 8-bit image lena.bmp of size 256 x 256. (imread)
  2. Downsample the image by a factor of 2 to size 128 x 128.
  3. Display and print the original and downsampled image after converting it back into 256 x 256 size image by row and column duplication, i.e, upsample by a factor of 2. (image, colormap, axis)
  4. lena_downsampled_2.bmp
  5. Downsample the image by a factor of 4 to size 64 x 64.
  6. Display and print the original and downsampled image after converting it back into 256 x 256 size image by row and column duplication, i.e, upsample by a factor of 4.
  7. lena_downsampled_4.bmp
  8. Downsample the image by a factor of 8 to size 32 x 32.
  9. Display and print the original and downsampled image after converting it back into 256 x 256 size image by row and column duplication, i.e, upsample by a factor of 8.
  10. lena_downsampled_8.bmp
  11. Display and print the original and sampled images on the same page.
  12. Quantize the pixels of the 256 x 256 size image to 4 bits/pixel.
  13. Quantize the pixels of the 256 x 256 size image to 2 bits/pixel.
  14. Quantize the pixels of the 256 x 256 size image to 1 bits/pixel (binary image).
  15. Display and print the original and quantized images on the same page.


  1. Cover sheet
  2. Print out of all lena images.
  3. Comment on the quality of downsampled and quantized images.
  4. Conclusions or summary.
  5. Listing of the MATLAB programs.