Swarm Management is a python application, installed with pip. The application makes it easy to manage a Docker Swarm by configuring a single *.yml file describing which stacks to deploy, and which networks, configs or secrets to create.
- AlexMills0
- arbalLos Angeles, CA
- blooalienThird Rock from Sol
- bradfordgibbonsCalifornia
- caapsoft
- ethanjli@prakashlab
- felipetruman127.0.0.1
- flanaganplur
- JCSynthTuxKleve, Germany
- juanc1479
- LHowell0
- Mohammad-Almusilhi
- notonamap
- phbrgnomo
- Ragdata@redeyed-au
- randominsomniaKarlsruhe/DE
- setalid@NomadLabs-xyz
- UnclePhilbelgium
- yuyux9yuyuxsec