
NUIEngine is a cross platform graphical interface library, based on C++ language development. The goal is to be able to develop simple, easy to use NUI interface features

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0




请访问我们的网站查看更多介绍和示例视频 http://www.nuiengine.com

NUIEngine is a cross platform graphical interface library, based on C++ language development. The goal is to be able to develop simple, easy to use NUI interface features (similar to the IOS on the rich graphical interface animation) applications Please visit our website for more presentations and sample videos


A app demo, font view tool


NPlan, a project manage tool power by NUI Engine


Getting Started

First Step | 第一步

  1. 下载bin目录下的示例程序(windows版本)
  2. 执行bin/Release/HelloNUI.exe,可以看到初步的运行效果

1 download bin directory under the sample program (Windows version)

2 implementation of bin/Release/HelloNUI.exe, you can see the initial operating results

Documentation | 文档

NUI Engine的开发文档还在完善中,现阶段可以初步根据sample目录中的示例代码了解NUI引擎的初步使用方法

NUI Engine development documentation is still in the process, at this stage can be initially based on the sample directory of the sample code to understand the basic usage of NUI engine.

Compile | 编译方法

NUIengine基于C++开发,代码可以跨平台,支持Windows Linux Android IOS等主流系统


  1. 目录说明
├─bin 				//目标程序输出目录
│  ├─Debug			//Debug版exe输出
│  ├─img			//图片资源
│  └─Release		//Release版exe文件输出
├─nuiengine			//nuiengine引擎源码目录
│  ├─BaseClass
│  ├─core
│  │  ├─drawable
│  │  └─views
│  ├─graphic
│  │  └─Src
│  └─include
│      ├─baseclass
│      ├─graphic
│      └─nuiengine
├─sample			//sample程序
│  └─HelloNUI		//HelloNUI sample源码
├─third_party		//第三方库
│  ├─boost				//boost库头文件
│  │  └─boost_1_51_0
│  └─lib				//静态lib库
│  │  ├─skia_debug
│  │  └─skia_release
│  ├─skia				//skia库头文件
│  │  └─include
│  └─tinyxml			//tinyxml库头文件和源文件
│      └─Src
└─win32						//Windows平台编译工程
  	│  nuiengine_lib.sln	// 使用静态库方式编译nuiengine 的VS解决方案文件
    ├─nuiengine_slib		//nuiengine 静态库VS工程
        └─HelloNUI			//HelloNUI 工程
  1. 编译步骤

现在仅上传了使用Visual Studio 2010 (SP1) 版本的工程。

2.1 首先将third_party目录下的 boost.zip skia.zip tinyxml.zip三个压缩包解压(不带目录解压)到当前目录.注意解压后和上述目录结构一致

2.2 将third_party/lib目录下的 lib.7z.001 - lib.7z.008解压到当前目录

2.3 使用VS2010(必须安装SP1补丁)打开 Win32目录下的 nuiengine_lib.sln解决方案文件

2.4 编译工程。 (如果一切OK,则可以编译程序,如果有问题,可以邮件联系 cz_666@qq.com


NUIengine based on C++ development, the code can cross platform to support Windows Linux Android IOS and other mainstream systems Now only upload the Windows development environment, based on the VS2010 project, the user needs to configure their own platform development environment.

2 compile step Now only uploaded using Visual Studio 2010 (SP1) version of the project.

2.1 first of all, decompress of the boost.zip skia.zip tinyxml.zip compression package under the third_party directory(without directory decompression) to the current directory. Note that the directory structure is same as the above.

2.2 third_party/lib directory decompress the lib.7z.001 - lib.7z.008 to the current directory

2.3 use VS2010 (must install SP1 patch) open the Win32 directory under the nuiengine_lib.sln solution file

2.4 compiler engineering. (if all OK, you can compile the program, if there is a problem, you can contact cz_666@qq.com e-mail)

Third Party Lib| 第三方库说明

NUI Engine 使用了skia图形界面库用于底层图形渲染,同时也使用了boost库的部分支持

Support / Contact

http://www.nuiengine.com mail: cz_666@qq.com


  • 使用Apache 2.0协议开源

  • Licensed under either of