
Reverse Proxy for Azure IoT Edge

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Azure IoT Edge OPC

Using the Azure IoT Edge OPC Reverse Proxy, client applications can connect to devices in the local gateway network and exchange transparent payloads, allowing developers to implement applications in Azure where the command and control protocol layer resides in the cloud.

An example for where this can be used is for tunneling OPC-UA binary protocol (secure channel) from a cloud application to a machine on the factory network, or tunneling SSH to an IoT device behind a firewall.

The proxy only requires port 443 (outgoing) open to the Internet.


The proxy gateway can be built and run directly from github using docker:

docker build -t proxyd https://github.com/Azure/iot-edge-opc-proxy.git
docker run -it proxyd -c "<*iothubownerconnectionstring>"

If you want to build the proxy on your developer machine, follow the build instructions here.


You can configure the proxy's functionality through its command line interface.

An IoT Hub connection string can be set via the -c, -C or -s command line arguments or through the _HUB_CS environment variable (which allows you to run the proxy without any command line arguments).

If the iothubowner connection string is used here, the proxy will automatically register with your Iot Hub. By default it will use the host name of the machine it is running on for the registration. You can override this name using the -n command line option. Use the -D <file> option to persist the retrieved registration locally (otherwise it is only stored in memory, and needs to be retrieved again when the proxy restarts).

As an example, you can create a file that contains the connection string and save it on a USB pen drive. On the proxy machine you can then run proxy -i -C <usbmntpath>/iothubowner.txt -D proxy-registration.json which will add the device in the proxy-registration.json file, and optionally safe the retrieved shared access key for the proxy in a secure location (depending on the capabilities of your platform and the configuration of the proxy). You can then start the proxy by passing it the registration configuration using proxy -D proxy-registration.json. The proxy will read the connection string from proxy-registration.json, connect to Azure, and wait for requests.

More options are available to configure transport and logging. To send raw log output to your IoT Hub event hub endpoint, use the -T option. To ensure the proxy only uses websockets to communicate with Azure IoT Hub, use the -w switch. Use the --proxy, --proxy-user, and --proxy-pwd options to configure your network's web proxy. Run the proxyd executable with --help command line switch to see all available options and additional help information.

Samples and API

The proxy API and samples can be found here:

Support and Contributions

This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit https://cla.microsoft.com.

When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

If you are having issues compiling or using the code in this project please feel free to log an issue in the issues section of this project.

For other issues, such as Connectivity issues or problems with the portal, or issues using the Azure IoT Hub service the Microsoft Customer Support team will try and help out on a best effort basis. To engage Microsoft support, you can create a support ticket directly from the Azure portal.


The Azure IoT OPC Proxy module is licensed under the MIT License. You can find license information for all third party dependencies here. Depending on your build configuration, or your choice of platform, not all of the third party dependencies need to be utilized.

Visit http://azure.com/iotdev to learn more about developing applications for Azure IoT.