
An OPC UA server representing a station of a production line. Able to incarnate as assembly, test, or packaging station.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This is a simple station for a production line exposing values via an OPC UA server, which can be instantiated in three different types (Assembly, Test, Packaging) and is supposed to be controlled by a simple MES system, which is available as container here.


Usage: simple-station.exe [<options>]

Simple station for productionline simulation
To exit the application, just press ENTER while it is running.

      --lf, --logfile=VALUE  the filename of the logfile to use.
                               Default: '<hostname>-station.log'
      --ll, --loglevel=VALUE the loglevel to use (allowed: fatal, error, warn,
                               info, debug, verbose).
                               Default: info
      --st, --stationtype=VALUE
                             sets the station type
                               Default: assemblystation
      --pn, --portnum=VALUE  the server port of the OPC server endpoint.
                               Default: 51210
      --op, --path=VALUE     the enpoint URL path part of the OPC server
                               Default: ''
      --ga, --generatealerts the station should generate alerts.
                               Default: False
      --pc, --powerconsumption=VALUE
                             the stations average power consumption in kW
                               Default:  150 kW
      --ct, --cycletime=VALUE
                             the stations cycle time in seconds
                               Default:  7000 sec
      --lr, --ldsreginterval=VALUE
                             the LDS(-ME) registration interval in ms. If 0,
                               then the registration is disabled.
                               Default: 0
      --aa, --autoacceptcerts
                             all certs are trusted when a connection is
                               Default: False
      --to, --trustowncert   the application certificate is put into the
                               trusted certificate store automatically.
                               Default: False
      --at, --appcertstoretype=VALUE
                             the own application cert store type.
                               (allowed values: Directory, X509Store)
                               Default: 'Directory'
      --ap, --appcertstorepath=VALUE
                             the path where the own application cert should be
                               Default (depends on store type):
                               X509Store: 'CurrentUser\UA_MachineDefault'
                               Directory: 'pki/own'
      --tp, --trustedcertstorepath=VALUE
                             the path of the trusted cert store
                               Default 'pki/trusted'
      --rp, --rejectedcertstorepath=VALUE
                             the path of the rejected cert store
                               Default 'pki/rejected'
      --ip, --issuercertstorepath=VALUE
                             the path of the trusted issuer cert store
                               Default 'pki/issuer'
      --csr                  show data to create a certificate signing request
                               Default 'False'
      --ab, --applicationcertbase64=VALUE
                             update/set this applications certificate with the
                               certificate passed in as bas64 string
      --af, --applicationcertfile=VALUE
                             update/set this applications certificate with the
                               certificate file specified
      --pb, --privatekeybase64=VALUE
                             initial provisioning of the application
                               certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a
                               private key passed in as base64 string
      --pk, --privatekeyfile=VALUE
                             initial provisioning of the application
                               certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a
                               private key passed in as file
      --cp, --certpassword=VALUE
                             the optional password for the PEM or PFX or the
                               installed application certificate
      --tb, --addtrustedcertbase64=VALUE
                             adds the certificate to the applications trusted
                               cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple
                               strings supported)
      --tf, --addtrustedcertfile=VALUE
                             adds the certificate file(s) to the applications
                               trusted cert store passed in as base64 string (
                               multiple filenames supported)
      --ib, --addissuercertbase64=VALUE
                             adds the specified issuer certificate to the
                               applications trusted issuer cert store passed in
                               as base64 string (multiple strings supported)
      --if, --addissuercertfile=VALUE
                             adds the specified issuer certificate file(s) to
                               the applications trusted issuer cert store (
                               multiple filenames supported)
      --rb, --updatecrlbase64=VALUE
                             update the CRL passed in as base64 string to the
                               corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted
      --uc, --updatecrlfile=VALUE
                             update the CRL passed in as file to the
                               corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted
      --rc, --removecert=VALUE
                             remove cert(s) with the given thumbprint(s) (
                               multiple thumbprints supported)
  -h, --help                 show this message and exit