MQTT client for Belgian and Dutch Smart Meter (DSMR) - "Slimme Meter". Written in Python 3.x
Connect Smart Meter via a P1 USB cable to e.g. Raspberry Pi.
Application will continuously read DSMR meter and parse telegrams. Parsed telegrams are send to MQTT broker.
Includes Home Assistant MQTT Auto Discovery.
, specify:
- Which messages to be parsed
- MQTT topics and tags
- Auto discovery for Home Assistant
A typical MQTT message broadcast looks like:
A virtual DSMR parameter is implemented (el_consumed and el_returned, which is sum of tarif1 and tarif2 (night/low en day/normal tariff)) - as some have a dual tarif meter, while energy company administratively considers this as a mono tarif meter.
Install following python3 libraries
- paho-mqtt
- pyserial
- persist-queue
Test if P1 adapter is functional and is providing dsmr data by running in a bash shell:
tail -f /dev/ttyUSB0
- optionally first execute
sudo chmod o+rw /dev/ttyUSB0
- Results should be similar to:
tail -f /dev/ttyUSB0 /Ene5\T210-D ESMR5.0 1-3:0.2.8(50) 0-0:1.0.0(240204171638W) 0-0:96.1.1(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) 1-0:1.8.1(024790.294*kWh) 1-0:1.8.2(011140.310*kWh) 1-0:2.8.1(010474.138*kWh) 1-0:2.8.2(025578.620*kWh) ..... .....
Install Python3 packages per recommendation for your distro
Install from github and configure:
- mkdir & cd to your install location
- git clone
- cd dsmr2mqtt/
:- Adapt ExecStart under [Service] to ExecStart=// (default:
- Adapt ExecStart under [Service] to ExecStart=// (default:
sudo cp -p systemd/dsmr-mqtt.service /etc/systemd/system
and adapt for your configuration (minimal: mqtt ip, username, password)- Edit the MQTT configuration and know that the MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX = "dsmr" will show these messages as topic dsmr/. Configuration will be shown as homeassistant/sensor/dsmr/
sudo systemctl enable dsmr-mqtt
sudo systemctl start dsmr-mqtt
And check if it is running properly
- sudo systemctl status dsmr-mqtt
user@server:/opt/dsmr2mqtt $ sudo systemctl status dsmr-mqtt dsmr-mqtt.service - P1 dsmr smartmeter Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/dsmr-mqtt.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-09-26 22:21:06 CEST; 18h ago Main PID: 1026 ( Tasks: 6 (limit: 1595) CPU: 56.349s CGroup: /system.slice/dsmr-mqtt.service └─1026 /usr/bin/python3 /opt/dsmr2mqtt/ ```
- sudo systemctl status dsmr-mqtt
- to test & inspect MQTT messages
A test/dsmr.raw
simulation file is provided.
to use the simulation file. No P1/serial connection is required.
Tested under Debian/Raspbian.
Tested with DSMR v5.0 meter in Netherlands and Belgium. For other DSMR versions,
needs to be adapted.
For all SMR specs, see netbeheer
For Belgium/Fluvius, open your P1 port through Fluvius portal:
For encrypted P1/dsmr, there is a fork available.
GPL v3
- Adapt systemd for python venv
- Fix for Home Assistant auto discovery (by JoniR)
- Simplified design
- Patches from javl
- Some Patches from smartathome
- Change HA Auto Discovery. Solve warning: Discovered entities with a name that starts with the device name This stops working in version 2024.2.0. Please address before upgrading. Credits: ricko1
2.0.0 - 2.0.1
- Updated mqtt library
- Removed need for INFLUXDB label
- Added telegraf-dsmr.conf
- Added example ( for Austria dsmr (Stromnetz Graz, by karlkashofer)
- Add zero/non-zero check on data (as sometimes eg gas and power consumed values in influxdb became zero)
- Fix exit code (SUCCESS vs FAILURE)
1.0.2 - 1.0.4:
- Potential bug fix in parser
- Add MQTT last will/testament
- Initial release