
Micro-parse is a tiny HTML parser, written in JavaScript.

Primary LanguageHTML


Micro-parse is a tiny HTML parser, written in JavaScript.

It is hobby project to hone my own JavaScript skills, so use it at your own risk.


Getting the text of all paragraphs within a document

import { parse } from "micro-parse/parse";
import { findAll, innerText } from "micro-parse/traverse";
import { withTag } from "micro-parse/traverse/matchers";

const htmlString = `<div>

const tree = parse( htmlString );
// Find all paragraphs within the HTML.
const paragraphs = findAll( tree, withTag( "p" ) );
// Grab the inner text of the found paragraphs.
const texts = paragraphs.map( innerText );

console.log( texts ); // [ "Introduction.", "Text." ]


The API documentation can be found within the docs folder in this repository.


Useful commands

Installing dependencies

yarn install

Building source code

yarn build

Running tests

yarn test
Running tests with coverage
yarn test --coverage

Generating docs

yarn docs