
A Gradle plugin for packaging and installing Jupyter kernels.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Jupyter kernel installer for Gradle

A Gradle plugin for kernel developers to use for packaging and locally installing a Jupyter kernel.

Currently being used by the IJava kernel.

Jupyter kernel development on the JVM

This plugin was developed in support of the Jupyter JVM base kernel project for creating Jupyter kernels that run on the JVM.

That project has an example kernel implementation (including usage with this plugin) and is a great resource for creating Jupyter kernels for JVM based languages.

Using the plugin

Requires Gradle >=5.0

Add the following block to the project's build.gradle

The old way
buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"
  dependencies {
    classpath "gradle.plugin.io.github.spencerpark:jupyter-kernel-installer:2.1.0"

apply plugin: "io.github.spencerpark.jupyter-kernel-installer"
The new way
plugins {
  id "io.github.spencerpark.jupyter-kernel-installer" version "2.1.0"

Configuration options

These options are shared between all tasks and are general declarations about the kernel being developed. These properties are configured in the jupyter extension at the top level of the build script. For example:

jupyter {
    kernelName = 'Java'
    kernelDisplayName = 'My Java Kernel'
    kernelLanguage = 'java'
    kernelInterruptMode = 'message'
    kernelEnv (
       ENV_VAR_NAME: 'Value',
       OTHER_VAR: 'Other value'
    kernelResources = files('kernel')
    kernelParameters {
        list('classpath', 'IJAVA_CLASSPATH') {
            separator = PATH_SEPARATOR
            description = 'A list of files separated by the system's path separator to add to the classpath.'

        list('comp-opts', 'IJAVA_COMPILER_OPTS') {
            separator = ' '
            description = 'A space delimited list of command line options that would be passed to the `javac` command when compiling a project.'

        string('timeout', 'IJAVA_TIMEOUT') {
            aliases NO_TIMEOUT: '-1'
            description = 'A duration specifying a timeout (in milliseconds by default) for a single top level statement.'
property type default description
kernelName String project.name The name of the kernel (the kernel folder)
kernelDisplayName String kernelName The display name of the kernel
kernelLanguage String kernelName The name of the language that the kernel can execute code in
kernelInterruptMode String 'message' The desired interrupt mode ('message' or 'signal')
kernelEnv Map<String, String> [:] Environment variable names and values that a kernel may use for configuration
kernelExecutable File jar.archivePath The build output that must be invoked to start the kernel
kernelResources FileCollection kernel directory The resources that should be included with the kernel such as a kernel.js
kernelParameters KernelParameterSpecContainer empty container A declaration of the configurable parameters for generating an install script or installing with gradle

kernelParameters in more detail

This property (usually configured by a closure rather than set as in the example above) is used to specify parameters that a user installing the kernel could configure for their installation. These manifest themselves as entries to the kernelEnv but are dynamic rather than static with respect to the build process.

When generating an installer, these parameters will manifest themselves as command line options (or similar) which the end user can give to configure their installation. See the zipkernel section for more information about generating installers.

When running installKernel, these parameters may be set via gradle properties making them accessible from the command line. See the installKernel section for more information about passing parameters to this task.

Parameter declarations are fairly straight forward. There are 4 types currently supported string, number, list, and oneOf. All parameters support some basic properties:

property type default description
name String required, no default The command line name of this property. Must be a valid identifier (matches [a-zA-Z][-_a-zA-Z0-9]*). Cannot be any of the reserved names: ['user', 'sys-prefix', 'prefix', 'replace', 'help']
environmentVariable String required, no default The kernelEnv variable name to store the value under. Must be a valid environment variable name (matches [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*).
description String null A human readable description for help menus.
aliases Map<String, String> [:] A map of value aliases. When a value matches an aliases key, the value is replaced with the mapping for that alias.
defaultValue String null A value to set in the kernelEnv if no value is given for this parameter during configuration.

Additionally, there is an extra property for a list parameter:

property type default description
separator String ' ' The separator string to use when joining multiple values given for this parameter.

Note the separator value has 2 special setters usePathSeparator() and useFileSeparator() for platform specific separators when using lists of files.

Also, oneOf parameters have an additional property:

property type default description
values List [] A list of valid values for this parameter. Used mainly in configuration of enumerations.

Note use the values(List<String>) and value(String) functions to add to the values rather than setting them.


Try to use the jupyter extension defined above as it will configure all tasks and only use the below options when the configuration must be specific to that task.


Locally install the kernel.

This task installs the kernel on the machine running gradle. It is useful when building during development or installing from source. It can be configured via the installKernel closure or with the command line options defined below.

property type default description
kernelInstallSpec KernelInstallSpec inherited from jupyter The kernel specifications including the kernelDisplayName, kernelEnv, kernelResources etc.
kernelParameters KernelParameterSpecContainer inherited from jupyter The parameters that may be configured during installation.
pythonExecutable String null The python command to use when searching for install locations.
kernelInstallPath File commandLineSpecifiedPath(defaultInstallPath) The installation directory. There are several helper functions for specifying this location.

There are several command line options that may be used to configure the install location and configuration. They can be listed with the task help command gradlew -q help --task installKernel and are as follows:

  • Install path configuration:

    • --python PYTHON: Set the python executable to use for resolving the sys.prefix.
  • Install path:

    • --default: Install for all users.
    • --user: Install to the per-user kernel registry.
    • --sys-prefix: Install to Python's sys.prefix. Useful in conda/virtual environments.
    • --prefix PREFIX: Specify a prefix to install to, e.g. an env. The kernelspec will be installed in PREFIX/share/jupyter/kernels/.
    • --path PATH: Set the path to install the kernel to. The install directory is $path/$kernelName.
    • --legacy: Install to $HOME/.ipython. Not recommended but available if needed.
  • Installation configuration:

    • --param "NAME:VALUE": Add a provided parameter with the form "NAME:VALUE". This parameter is passed as it would be to an installer. The name is the given name in the kernelParameters list. It may be specified multiple times.


Create a zip with the kernel files.

This archiving task creates a ready to distribute bundle of the kernel. It extends Zip and therefore has all of the configurations options that Zip has including archiveName, zip64, entryCompression, etc.).

property type default description
kernelInstallSpec KernelInstallSpec inherited from jupyter The kernel specifications including the kernelDisplayName, kernelEnv, kernelResources etc.
kernelParameters KernelParameterSpecContainer inherited from jupyter The parameters that may be configured during installation. These affect the generated install scripts.
installers InstallersSpec with 'python' A set of installers to generate and include in the archive.

Currently supported installers include:

Name Groups
PYTHON_SCRIPT 'python' python install.py -h
  • Use the with or without method to add or remove a specific installer ('PYTHON_SCRIPT') or group of installers ('python')
  • zipKernel {
        installers {
            with 'python'