
Get statistics for your GitHub organization

Primary LanguagePython


This is a simple and not fully tested script to extract some statistics for all repositories belonging to a github organization (at least for all repositories, you have access to 😉), such as number of stars, watchers, forks, etc. (Private or archived repositories can optionally be skipped). It will store the results in a .csv file, which can be imported in spread sheets for visualization. ⚠️ The script has not been fully tested and comes without any warranties. Use at your own risk.

Initial setup

To install the necessary dependencies (assuming you already have pipenv and Python 3.9 installed), run:

make setup

To configure the parameters, that should be extracted for the repos of your organization, adapt the lists primary_params and secondary_params in main().

  • primary_params in this context are parameters, whose values are directly contained in the JSON response of https://api.github.com/orgs/ORGANIZATION_NAME/repos.
  • secondary_params are some of those, for which no value is given in the JSON, but instead a url, which can be queried. Only tested so far with subscribers_url. The length of the list returned when querying this URL will represent the count of subscribers in this case.

Initially I was not sure, why stargazers_count and watchers_count had the same numbers, and the number of watchers did not seem to be correct. The documentation on this clarified things: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/activity/starring?apiVersion=2022-11-28#starring-versus-watching 😉


The script must be called as in the following:


There are two optional flags, which can be set:

python3 fetch_stats.py YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN YOUR_ORGANIZATION_NAME --skip_private --skip_archived

If -p or --skip_private is set, private repos of the organization will be skipped. The default value is False, i.e. private repositories will be included by default.

Likewise, if -a or --skip_archived is set, archived repos of the organization will be skipped. The default is false, i.e. archived repositories will be included by default.

The fetched stats will be written to a file YOUR_ORGANIZATION_NAME_stats.csv including a header.