
A kind of bash implementation of Capistrano.

Primary LanguageShell


Build Status

Makistrano is a kind of bash implementation of Capistrano.

Makistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands on multiple remote machines, via SSH. It uses a simple DSL that allows you to define tasks, which may be applied to machines in certain roles.

Getting Started

Creating Makifile

role_development() {
  nodes() {

role_production() {
  nodes() {
    curl http://example.com/hosts/production

task_hostname() {
  local host=${1}; shift

  # local
  # remote
  ssh ${host} hostname

namespace_iptables() {
  task_start() {
    local host=${1}; shift
    ssh ${host} /etc/init.d/iptables start

  task_stop() {
    local host=${1}; shift
    ssh ${host} /etc/init.d/iptables stop

  task_restart() {
    local host=${1}; shift
    ssh ${host} /etc/init.d/iptables restart

  task_status() {
    local host=${1}; shift
    ssh ${host} /etc/init.d/iptables status

Running maki

$ maki development hostname

$ maki development iptables:status
$ maki development iptables:stop
$ maki development iptables:start
$ maki development iptables:restart
$ maki production hostname

$ maki production iptables:status
$ maki production iptables:stop
$ maki production iptables:start
$ maki production iptables:restart


$ maki [role] [task]
$ maki [role] [namespace:task]


$ mkdir /opt/hansode
$ cd    /opt/hansode

$ git clone https://github.com/hansode/makistrano.git


The Makifile is a Bash file used to configure Makistrano on a per-project basis.