
Practice hosting rethinkdb with thinky, compose, and heroku

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

Getting Started


For this repo I'm using RethinkDB with the thinky ORM.

I assume you've got homebrew. I also assume you're using a OS X system. If not, checkout the instructions for installing to your OS. Don't worry about getting the client driver, that will be installed with npm.

Run brew install rethinkdb. In your home folder run rethinkdb. This will spin up a rethinkdb server on your machine. After it starts you can access the admin GUI at localhost:8080/.

With the tunnel.py script running

Use gulp tunnel to start the tunnel with the task. It will only work if you've got the .env.json file for the repo or you've manually set the env variables yourself. If you want to just run tunnel.py you can open a terminal window and run python tunnel.py. If you're interested check the ssh connections on your machine using lsof -i -n | egrep '\<ssh\>'. You can kill all ssh tunnels using killall ssh. The script will try to map the hosted rethinkdb server ports (8080 and 28015) to the local ports so make sure these are freed up before trying to start the tunnel.

To check the gui without ssh connection

You'll need to set up a login for an ssl connection to the DB. After that you can access it at aws-us-east-1-portal7.dblayer.com:10583

Commands in the Data Explorer

The gui that RethinkDB provides for data exploration and manipulation is awesome. You can easily practice and refine queries with a little help from the popovers on the cursor.

Data Explorer

Spinning up your environment

Once you fork and clone the repo and run npm install. Once everything is downloaded you should be able to run gulp. Study the tasks.coffee file to understand what tasks are doing.To quit use ctrl + c in the terminal twice (once for nodemon and once for the watch task). We're using inquirer.js to handle setup through gulp. Use the space bar and arrow keys to select inputs and hit enter to submit your selections.

Inquirer Setup

Making changes to the repo

Check out this guide on the git flow I use. Use your own fork to get familiar with the code in a local environment. Once you're ready to make changes you can create pull requests on/ push to the dev branch first and Heroku will deploy the updates to: ph-todo-app-dev.herokuapp.com/. Pull requests to master will generate review apps. If you're in the on the Pink Hippos slack team you'll see updates in the thinky-practice channel.

Useful Tips

Work Flow

I use iTerm with Oh My ZSH. The aliases, customization, and theme in zsh are pretty slick. I added alias tunnels="lsof -i tcp | grep ^ssh" so I can see all ssh tunnels open on my machine. If you're on the latest OSX you can split your screen using panels. It keeps my terminal in view during development so I can see updates in my console easily. El Capitan Panels

Snippets in Atom

Atom snippets are an easy way to customize shortcuts for speedy development. If you add the snippets below you can type the prefix and hit tab to start the snippet. Use tab to get to each spot preceded by a $.

# Markup Snippets
    'prefix': 'ml',
    'body': '[${1:LinkText}](${2:http://})'

    'prefix': 'img'
    'body': '![${1:imageTitle}](${2:pathToImage})'

  'Header 1':
    'prefix': 'h1'
    'body': '# $1'

  'Header 2':
    'prefix': 'h2'
    'body': '## $1'

  'Header 3':
    'prefix': 'h3'
    'body': '### $1'

  'Header 4':
    'prefix': 'h4'
    'body': '#### $1'

  'Header 5':
    'prefix': 'h5'
    'body': '##### $1'

# CoffeeScript Snippets
    'prefix': 'req'
    'body': 'require "#{__dirname}/${1:pathToFile}"'

  'Process Variable':
    'prefix': 'penv'
    'body': 'process.env.${1:ENV_VARIABLE}'

  'Function Creator':
    'prefix': 'fnc'
    'body': """
    ##### ${1:funtionName} #####
    # ${3:Description}
    # @params: ${4:param1} -> $5
    # @params: ${6:param2} -> $7
    # @returns: $8
    ${1:functionName}${2: =}(${4:param1}, ${6:param2})->

  'Function Commentor':
    'prefix': 'fncom'
    'body': """
    ##### ${1:Funtion Name} #####
    # ${2:Description}
    # @params: $3
    # @returns: $4

  'Function Param':
    'prefix': 'fparam'
    'body': '# @params: $1 -> $2'

    'prefix': 'com1'
    'body': """
    # $1

    'prefix': 'com2'
    'body': '###### $1 ######'

  'Comment Header':
    'prefix' : 'comhead'
    'body' : """
    #                                     $1                                       #