
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

HHA 504 2023 for Cloud Computing in Health Informatics

1. Introduction to 504 Class

Lecture Topic:

  • Syllabus Review
  • Hospital Priceline Overview
  • Introduction to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft Azure
  • Main Principles of Cloud Computing: Storage, Compute, and Database services


  • Overview of GCP and Azure platforms
  • Introduction to cloud-based Storage, Compute, and Database concepts
  • Key differences and similarities between GCP and Azure
  • Introduction to GCP and Azure Python SDKs

Azure/GCP Resources:


2. Healthcare Web Applications: Intro to Structure, Security, and Deployment

Lecture Topic:

  • Building and deploying secure web applications for healthcare using Flask and FastAPI.


  • Basic Healthcare Application Structure:

    • Setting up a project with patient data considerations.
    • Prioritizing security and privacy in the application design.
  • Security by Design in Healthcare Apps:

    • Principles and importance of implementing security from the initial stages of design.
    • Best practices and pitfalls to avoid.
  • Routes, Views, and Patient Data Handling:

    • Understanding routes in the context of patient data requests.
    • Designing views to present health information securely.
    • Importance of data validation to ensure patient data integrity.
  • Jinja Templating for Healthcare Web Apps:

    • Utilizing Jinja to safely render patient information.
    • Techniques to avoid potential security pitfalls in templates.
  • HIPAA Compliance and Web Applications:

    • Basics of HIPAA compliance in web apps.
    • Best practices for storing and transmitting patient data.
  • Azure and GCP's Commitment to Healthcare Data Security:

    • An overview of Azure and GCP's adherence to HIPAA, HITRUST, SOC2, and other security standards.
    • Tools and services provided by these platforms to ensure healthcare data security.
  • Deploying a Healthcare Web Application on Azure App Service:

    • Understanding the Azure App Service Environment's health data handling capabilities.
    • Configuring a web application for deployment on Azure with security in mind.
    • Deploying the application and ensuring secure access via HTTPS.
    • Interoperability with other healthcare platforms and services.

Azure/GCP Resources:


3. Secure Databases in Healthcare: From Local to Cloud

Lecture Topic:

  • Ensuring safety and compliance while managing healthcare datasets, focusing on Hospital pricing transparency data.
  • Transitioning from local storage like SQLite to cloud-based databases in Azure and GCP.


  • Hospital Pricing Transparency Data:

    • Data exploration: Understanding the available information and its relevance to health informaticists.
    • Data preprocessing: Techniques for cleaning, formatting, and ensuring the data's accuracy and integrity.
  • Working with SQLite in a Healthcare Context:

    • Introducing SQLite: Strengths and weaknesses for healthcare applications.
    • Ensuring local data encryption and security best practices.
  • SQLalchemy for Healthcare Apps:

    • ORM (Object Relational Mapping) basics and its relevance in handling patient data.
    • Model definition, database connections, and data access controls.
    • Setting up SQLite securely with Flask using SQLAlchemy.
  • Pandas and Healthcare Database Operations:

    • Introduction to the to_sql function: safely transitioning healthcare data.
    • Reading and writing patient data between DataFrame and SQL database while maintaining data integrity.
    • Basic CRUD operations with healthcare data considerations.
  • Transitioning to Cloud-based Databases:

    • Emphasis on data safety and compliance (HIPAA, HITRUST, SOC2).
    • Advantages of cloud databases for scalability, backup, and recovery in healthcare.
    • Access controls, encryption, and security considerations while using Azure/GCP.

Azure/GCP Resources:


4. Health Informatics Databases: Advanced Setup and Management

Lecture Topic:

  • Securely setting up MySQL on a Virtual Machine for healthcare applications.
  • Efficient and safe database connections via Connection Pooling.
  • Ensuring smooth and compliant data transitions using Migrations.


MySQL on a VM for Health Informatics:

  • Virtualization in the Cloud: Importance in healthcare for data segregation, scalability, and recovery.
  • Setting up MySQL: A healthcare-specific walkthrough, with emphasis on HIPAA-compliant configurations.
  • Securing MySQL: Configurations, tuning, and enhanced security considerations for protecting sensitive patient data.

Connection Pooling in Healthcare Web Apps:

  • Understanding Connection Pools: Their importance in fast, secure data access.
  • Healthcare App Considerations: Max connections, wait times, and implications for apps managing healthcare data.
  • Serverless Environments: Connection pooling in serverless/static environments like Vercel, with potential issues and their impact in a healthcare context.

Database Migrations for Patient Data:

  • Why Migrations?: Understanding their role in evolving healthcare apps without compromising data.
  • Python Migration Tools: Introduction to Alembic with a focus on health data migration scenarios.
  • Migration Workflow: Writing, applying, and safely rolling back migrations, while ensuring data integrity and compliance.
  • CI/CD in Healthcare: Integrating migrations into a CI/CD pipeline with patient data safety and compliance checks.



5. Healthcare App Frontend and Styling

Lecture Topic:

  • Crafting user-friendly interfaces with HTML, CSS, and Tailwind
  • Ensuring fast and secure data delivery using Content Delivery Networks (CDN)


  • Tailwind for Healthcare UIs: Integrating Tailwind with Flask to create intuitive, user-friendly healthcare interfaces.
  • Understanding CDNs: Principles and benefits in the context of health data — ensuring fast, consistent, and secure access.
  • Google Cloud CDN in Healthcare Apps: Setting up Google Cloud CDN for hosting and delivering static assets, with emphasis on data encryption, cache invalidation, and access controls.
  • Forms in Healthcare: Designing and implementing secure forms for patient data and medical information entry.
  • Displaying Results: Presenting search results with styled components while ensuring readability and clarity for medical data.
  • Organizing Static Assets: Best practices in a healthcare app context, including ensuring assets don't contain PHI (Protected Health Information) and are stored in compliance with regulations.
  • Web Accessibility: Designing interfaces that are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities — a vital aspect in health applications.

Azure/GCP Resources:


6. Healthcare API Endpoints with Flask and FastAPI

Lecture Topic:

  • Designing RESTful APIs tailored for health informatics using Flask and FastAPI
  • Embracing the OpenAPI Specification for healthcare data interoperability


  • RESTful API Architecture in Healthcare:
    • Fundamentals: resources, methods, and status codes tailored for medical data
    • Considerations for patient data: granularity, querying, and data retrieval
  • Flask for Healthcare APIs:
    • Using Flask-RESTful for creating endpoints with a focus on health data structures
  • FastAPI in Health Informatics:
    • Benefits of FastAPI: speed, automatic validation, OpenAPI Specification, and its implications for healthcare
    • Crafting endpoints that cater to medical and patient data
    • Generating and leveraging the OpenAPI specification, especially for FHIR integration
  • Exploring OpenAPI in Healthcare:
    • Importance of OpenAPI for healthcare data interoperability and its role in Azure API Management
    • Adhering to standards: understanding FHIR and its relationship with OpenAPI
  • Securing Healthcare APIs:
    • Emphasis on HIPAA-compliant measures: rate limiting, API keys, JWT tokens, OAuth2, encryption at rest and in transit

Python Packages:

  • Flask-RESTful: Creating RESTful APIs in Flask
  • FastAPI: Crafting APIs with built-in OpenAPI Specification
  • Pydantic: Data validation and serialization, with a focus on medical data types
  • Uvicorn: ASGI server essential for running FastAPI applications



7. User Authentication and Management in Healthcare Applications

Lecture Topic:

  • Implementing secure user registration, authentication, and identity management tailored for healthcare web applications


  • Healthcare-centric User Authentication:
    • Emphasizing the importance of secure authentication in health informatics
    • HIPAA considerations during authentication
    • Best practices for password hashing, storage, and multi-factor authentication (MFA) in healthcare systems
  • Session Management with Healthcare Data:
    • Introduction to sessions: understanding the nuances of persistent vs. non-persistent sessions in healthcare contexts
    • Securely managing user sessions using flask_session with a focus on health data
  • Identity Management in Healthcare Web Apps:
    • Deep dive into identity and identity.web for Flask
    • Addressing authentication flow nuances specific to patient and healthcare provider data
    • Importance of role-based access control (RBAC) in health systems
  • Transition to Cloud for Healthcare Authentication:
    • Benefits of utilizing managed identity platforms, especially concerning HIPAA and HITRUST requirements
    • Integrating Azure Active Directory B2C and Google Cloud Identity Platform with Flask, focusing on health applications
    • Addressing SSO (Single Sign-On) in health systems: benefits and challenges

Azure/GCP Resources:

Python Packages:

  • Flask-Session: For securely managing sessions in Flask applications
  • Identity: Integrating authentication and identity with Flask
  • Requests: For making HTTP requests securely


8. Deployment in Health Informatics

Lecture Topic:

  • Tailored deployment strategies and platforms for Flask and FastAPI applications in healthcare with a special focus on Docker for standardizing deployment.


  • Deployment Considerations in Health Informatics:
    • Importance of high availability and scalability in health systems
    • Ensuring HIPAA compliance in deployment environments
    • Security measures: encryption at rest and in transit, private networks, and secure storage
  • Introduction to Docker in Health Informatics:
    • Understanding Docker and containerization.
    • The role of Docker in ensuring efficient, consistent, and secure deployment.
  • Dockerizing Flask/FastAPI Applications:
    • Creating Dockerfiles and building Docker images for health applications.
    • Running and managing Docker containers.
  • Docker Compose in Multi-Container Environments:
    • Using Docker Compose for managing multi-container setups.
    • Orchestrating multiple services like Flask applications and databases.
  • Serverless Deployment with Vercel:
    • Introduction and benefits of Vercel's static site deployment services
    • Deploying Flask/FastAPI apps as serverless functions on Vercel with an emphasis on handling health data
  • Integration and Deployment in Healthcare (CI/CD):
    • CI/CD's significance in healthcare web application development
    • Using GitHub Actions for automated deployment and testing: ensuring patient data security and privacy
  • Deployment on Google Cloud Run and Azure App Service:
    • Special considerations for deploying health informatics applications
    • Monitoring and auditing tools for compliance purposes
    • Scaling strategies specific to health application demands
  • Advanced Deployment with Docker:
    • Introduction to Docker with an emphasis on health informatics apps
    • Best practices for containerizing Flask/FastAPI applications handling health data
    • (Optional) Advanced security measures using Azure Container Apps for healthcare systems

Azure/GCP Resources:


9. Logging, Monitoring, and Debugging in Health Informatics

Lecture Topic:

  • Criticality and methodologies of logging, monitoring, and debugging in health-focused Python applications.


  • Medical Systems and the Imperative of High Availability:
    • Real-world implications of system outages in healthcare.
    • The regulatory need for robust logging and monitoring.
  • Python Logging Basics:
    • Introduction to Python's built-in logging module.
    • Differentiating logging levels (INFO, DEBUG, ERROR, etc.) in medical scenarios.
    • Customizing and directing log outputs, ensuring PHI (Protected Health Information) is secure.
  • Enhanced Logging with Third-party Tools:
    • Loguru: Enhanced logging capabilities and clean presentation.
    • Sentry: Catching and responding to real-time errors.
    • Graylog & ELK Stack: Centralizing and visualizing logs.
    • structlog: Creating and analyzing structured logs.
  • Debugging & Tracing in a Healthcare Context:
    • Tracing's significance in distributed health systems.
    • Python debugging tools tailored for cloud applications.
    • Best practices in debugging health informatics apps.
  • Performance Monitoring in Medical Apps:
    • Identifying vital performance metrics for medical applications.
    • Setting up responsive alerts for high-priority incidents.
    • Monitoring patient data access and ensuring HIPAA compliance.
  • Advanced Cloud-based Tools for Medical Apps:
    • Introduction to the nuances of distributed tracing in health systems.
    • Integrating Flask and FastAPI with Azure and GCP's logging and monitoring services.
    • Premium platforms for health application surveillance and performance insights.



10. Scaling and Performance Optimization

Lecture Topic:

  • Strategies and methodologies for scaling Flask applications and optimizing performance.


  • Fundamentals of Scaling:
    • Contrasting horizontal vs. vertical scaling.
    • The scaling advantage of stateless applications over stateful ones.
  • Load Balancing in Depth:
    • The critical role of load balancers in achieving scalability.
    • Exploring application-layer vs. network-layer load balancing.
    • Understanding sticky sessions and their implications.
    • Emphasizing health checks for service continuity.
  • Database Scalability Challenges:
    • Navigating the complexities of scaling relational databases.
    • Introduction to advanced techniques like sharding and replication.
    • The power and pitfalls of database caching.
  • Enhancing Flask Application Performance:
    • Identifying and remedying performance bottlenecks in Flask apps.
    • Utilizing profiling tools tailored for Flask.
    • Tweaking Flask configurations for optimal results.
  • Cache Strategies and Tools:
    • Diving deep into caching mechanisms for web applications.
    • Harnessing caching solutions like Redis and Memcached for rapid data retrieval.
    • Discussing cache eviction policies and common pitfalls.
  • Auto-scaling: A Double-edged Sword:
    • Using key metrics to guide auto-scaling decisions.
    • Hands-on with auto-scaling setups in popular cloud platforms.
    • Evaluating the benefits and challenges of auto-scaling.
  • Microservices: The Future of Scalability:
    • Decomposing monolithic architectures into flexible microservices.
    • An introduction to the world of service orchestration and the Docker ecosystem.

Python Tools to Test Performance:

1. Locust.io:

  • Description: An open-source, Python-based tool that simulates user behavior and load-tests web applications for scalability.
  • Website: Locust.io

2. Flask-Testing:

  • Description: A Flask-specific testing utility. Perfect for combination with pytest to comprehensively test Flask applications.
  • Website: Flask-Testing on PyPi

2. PyTest:

  • Description: The pytest framework makes it easy to write small, readable tests, and can scale to support complex functional testing for applications and libraries.
  • Website: Pytest on PyPi

Azure/GCP Resources:


11. Health Data Storage Solutions

Lecture Topic:

  • Efficient and secure data storage solutions tailored for health informatics.


  • Blob/General Storage vs. Databases:
    • Unraveling the intricacies of blob/general storage and databases.
    • Pinpointing specific use-cases for general storage and databases in health informatics.
  • Local Storage vs. Cloud Storage:
    • Delving into the merits and demerits of local and cloud storage solutions.
    • Scrutinizing the security implications of both storage types in a healthcare context.
  • Cost-effectiveness of Cloud Storage:
    • Decoding the pricing structures of major cloud storage providers.
    • Exploring potential cost-saving strategies for health data storage in the cloud.
  • Flask and Health Data:
    • Techniques for securely uploading, retrieving, and storing health data in Flask applications.
    • Addressing data compliance and regulations (like HIPAA) while handling health data in Flask.
  • Securing Health Data in Storage:
    • Importance of encryption (both in-transit and at-rest) for health data.
    • Overview of Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies tailored for health data.
  • Health Data Redundancy and Backups:
    • Strategies for ensuring high availability and disaster recovery of health data.
    • Importance of versioning and maintaining health data integrity.

Azure/GCP Resources:


12. Health Data Security Best Practices

Lecture Topic:

  • Implementing stringent security measures for Flask applications handling health data.


  • Environment Files and Token Management:
    • Delving into the nuances of .env files and their role in concealing tokens and keys.
    • Best practices for environment variable management and access.
  • Deployment Security:
    • Understanding the risks during deployment and ensuring tokens and keys remain concealed.
    • Continuous monitoring post-deployment to detect and counter threats.
  • Data Encryption in Health Informatics:
    • In-depth exploration of data encryption methods: at-rest and in-transit.
    • Encryption best practices tailored for health data.
  • Advanced Security Testing:
    • Techniques for preventing subdomain enumeration.
    • Strategies to counteract ransomware threats, especially targeting health data.
    • Safeguarding applications against password attacks: Brute force, dictionary attacks, and more.
  • Capitalizing on Cloud Security:
    • Exploring the automatic security features and tools provided by Azure and GCP.
    • Diving deep into firewall configurations, VPNs, private networks, and their significance in protecting health data.
  • Shared Responsibility in Cloud:
    • Understanding the demarcation between cloud provider responsibilities and user responsibilities.
    • Emphasizing the importance of compliance, regular audits, and certifications in health data storage and transfer.
  • Healthcare Security Regulations and Compliance:
    • Introduction to HIPAA and its significance.
    • Ensuring that Flask applications and databases are HIPAA compliant.

Azure/GCP Resources:

Python Libraries:


13. Serverless in Health Informatics

Lecture Topic:

  • Embracing serverless architectures and event-driven computing in health informatics


  • Basics of Serverless:
    • Grasping the concept of serverless and its significance: Diving into FaaS (Function as a Service).
    • Exploring real-world healthcare scenarios benefitting from serverless architectures.
  • Building Health Functions:
    • Crafting cloud functions in Python tailored for health data processing.
    • Examples: Automated patient data updates, sending notifications for abnormal health metrics, etc.
  • Integration into Healthcare Systems:
    • Seamlessly weaving serverless functions into existing health informatics applications.
    • Case Study: Integrating a serverless function to send SMS alerts for critical patient updates.
  • Serverless Triggers in Health Data Streams:
    • Deep diving into triggers and bindings specific to healthcare events.
    • Demonstrating real-time health metric capture using serverless.
  • Cost-Efficiency in Health Informatics:
    • Elaborating on the benefits of serverless: Cost savings, dynamic scalability, and minimal management.
    • Potential reductions in IT infrastructure costs for healthcare organizations.
  • Serverless Drawbacks in Healthcare:
    • Understanding the challenges: Cold starts, state management, and the risk of vendor lock-in.
    • Weighing the pros and cons: When to opt for serverless in health informatics and when not to.

Azure/GCP Resources:


14. Final Project / Capstone

Lecture Topic:

  • Design and implementation of a cloud-based project
  • Ideation and brainstorming: How to think of new features that enhance user experience

Example Subtopics:

  • Visualizing data in a meaningful way for users (e.g., bar charts, pie charts, heat maps)
  • Introduction to simple ML/AI integrations (e.g., predicting average hospital costs based on historical data)
  • Incorporating social media integrations for sharing content
  • Using third-party Python libraries to quickly implement new features
  • Importance of user feedback in shaping features

Suggested Features:

  1. Data Visualization: Use libraries like matplotlib, bokeh, or plotly to create visual representations of hospital pricing data.
  2. ML/AI Integration: Use scikit-learn or tensorflow to predict future pricing or identify anomalies in the data.
  3. Social Media Sharing: Integrate buttons using Flask-Dance or other Flask extensions to enable sharing of specific pricing insights on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
  4. Feedback System: Implement a user feedback or rating system to understand the most useful features or data points.
  5. Notifications: Use third-party services like Twilio for SMS notifications or SendGrid for email notifications to alert users about significant changes in pricing.


15. Course Recap and Future Trends

Lecture Topic:

  • Reflection on the course

Example Subtopics:

  • Future trends in cloud and health informatics
  • Further study and resources


  • Final Project continuation