
Emerging DLT technologies trying to tackle 'the blockchain trilemma'


Emerging Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT)

that are trying to tackle 'the scalability trilemma', also known as 'the blockchain trilemma'.

In order to keep up with emerging Distributed Ledger Technologies that are trying to bring a reasonable compromise or a solution to the scalability trilemma, I've created this list.

Please open pull-requests for the projects you think that are worthy to be included here. If you think a project better be unlisted, consider opening an issue so that we could discuss the project's merits.


Whitepapers: https://www.algorand.com/docs/whitepapers/

"Founded by cryptography pioneer and Turing award winner, Silvio Micali, Algorand solves the “blockchain trilemma” with a platform that delivers decentralization, scalability and security."


Whitepaper: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUy4jh5mGNZvLkjies1RWM4YuvJh5o2FYopNPVYwrRVGV

Created by anonymous Team Rocket. Emin Gur Sirer is involved in.


Whitepaper: https://iost.io/iost-whitepaper/ Blog post: https://hackernoon.com/tackling-the-scalability-trilemma-1627fa3f6936


Whitepaper: https://spacemesh.io/whitepaper1/

Starkware Industries

Whitepaper: https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/046.pdf

StarkWare will improve scalability and privacy in blockchains using STARK technology, providing cryptographic proofs that are zero-knowledge, succinct, transparent (no need for a trusted setup), and post-quantum secure.

Notes: Solid team, solid investors


"Open source implementation of a Fast and Scalable Blockchain (coming soon)" – Rafael Pass