

Here we are providing some idea about network and network commands

To check IP address and IP information #ifconfig

To set IP address #setup

network configuration select ethernet give IP address, subnet mask, gateway close quit quit #service network restart

To provide DNS information: #vi /etc/resolv.conf (type as follows) nameserver (DNS IP) ex: nameserver save&quit

To check network connectivity: Ping: packet internet gropher #ping server IP

To check LAN card status: #ping

To check host name: #hostname

To change host name: #hostname (fqdn) ex: #hostname

To assign new hostname permanently #vi /etc/hosts add a new line ex: station1 save&quit

#vi /etc/sysconfig/network edit as follows hostname= ex:

To view current version of kernel #uname -r

To view current run level: #runlevel

we have 6 run levels: runlevel 0=shutdown runlevel 1=single user mode runlevel 2=multi user without nfs runlevel 3=multi user with network(only text mode) runlevel 4=un used runlevel 5=multi user with graphics & network runlevel 6=reboot

#netstat -ant it will gives network statistics(which port number of the server is connected to which port number of client) #vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts this is the directory stores networking information #ifcfg-eth0 this command gives gateway, boot protocol, netmask details this is the file which stores IP addresses and networking details

ifdown : this command is used to down the device ifup : this command is used to bring the interface up device