
Ansible Role to install a Hadoop Cluster

Hadoop Cluster Role

Installs and configure Hadoop system (version 2.X) in a cluster of nodes.

Role Variables

The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows:

# The type of the node: slave or master or resourcemanager or nodemanager or datanode or namenode 
hadoop_type_of_node: slave
# Hadoop base directory to install the software
hadoop_home: /opt/hadoop-2.X
# List of servers to download the hadoop code
hadoop_mirrors: [ "http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/software/apache/hadoop/core/stable2/",
		"http://www-eu.apache.org/dist/hadoop/common/stable2/" ]
# Hadoop version to install
hadoop_version: 2.7.2
# A dictionary with a set of properties to set in the core-site.xml
hdfs_props: {}
# A dictionary with a set of properties to set in the yarn-site.xml
yarn_props: {}

Example Playbook

This an example of how to install the Cluster:

In the "Worker Nodes"

    - { role: 'indigo-dc.hadoop', hadoop_master: 'MASTER_NODE_NAME_OR_IP' }

In the "Manager Node"

    - { role: 'indigo-dc.hadoop', hadoop_master: 'MASTER_NODE_NAME_OR_IP', hadoop_type_of_node: 'master'}


Apache Licence v2 [1]

[1] http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0