
VBA Scripting Analysis of Stock Market Data


The Analysis of Stock Market Data from Wall Street


Real-world stock market data from years 2014 to 2016 were stored in 3 spreadsheets individually in an Excel File. Each spreadsheet contains 7 columns displaying ticker name, date, open price, highest price, lowest price, close price and volumn.


VBA Scripts in Microsoft Excel


  • To create a table containing each ticker label and total volumn of that ticker in a specific year.
  • To calculate yearly price change for each ticker as well as the percentage of the change. Formate the corlor of cells to reflect the trend of change, green for postive and red for negative.
  • To find out the tickers that have the maximun increase, maximun decrease and maximun total volumn and listed them in another table.
  • To created a loop in VBA script to complete all the tasks above in one run for all spreadsheets.


  1. 2014 2014
  2. 2015 2015
  3. 2016 2016