Soft Renderer

Soft Renderer is a cross-platform implementation of the GPU rendering pipeline on CPU.

Feature List

  • Support multiple platforms, Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Model Loading: Supports load .obj model file and .jpg, .png texture resources.
  • Vertex Processing: Vertex Shader, Clipping, Perspective Division, Backface Culling.
  • Rasterization: Rasterize triangles based on barycentric coordinates with perspective correction.
  • Pixel Shading: Implements the Phong reflection model, including ambient light, diffuse reflection, and specular reflection.
  • Texture Filtering: Supports Bi-Linear texture filtering.

Platform Support

Platform Clang GCC MSVC
Windows ✔️ N/A ✔️
Linux(Ubuntu) ✔️ ✔️ N/A
macOS ✔️ N/A N/A

Build From Source

before build the project, you need to install

  • C++17 capable compiler
  • CMake 3.10(or later)


  • Clone the project. git clone
  • Generate project using cmake cmake . -B build -G <generator>
  • build Rasterizer and run


MIT © hanyangl5