
Tutorial of MNIST classifier

Primary LanguagePython

MNIST Classifier


MNIST Classifier Implenmentation


This is a tutorial of MNIST Classification using CNN.

alt text


$ python main.py --mode train \
                 --scope [scope name] \
                 --dir_log [log directory] \
                 --dir_checkpoint [checkpoint directory]
                 --gpu_ids [gpu id; '-1': no gpu, '0, 1, ..., N-1': gpus]

$ python main.py --mode train \
                 --scope mnist \
                 --dir_log ./log \
                 --dir_checkpoint ./checkpoint
                 --gpu_ids 0
  • Set [scope name] uniquely.
  • To understand hierarchy of directories based on their arguments, see directories structure below.
  • Hyperparameters were written to arg.txt under the [log directory].


$ python main.py --mode test \
                 --scope [scope name] \
                 --dir_log [log directory] \
                 --dir_checkpoint [checkpoint directory] \
                 --gpu_ids [gpu id; '-1': no gpu, '0, 1, ..., N-1': gpus]

$ python main.py --mode test \
                 --scope mnist \
                 --dir_log ./log \
                 --dir_checkpoint ./checkpoint
                 --gpu_ids 0
  • To test using trained network, set [scope name] defined in the train phase.


$ tensorboard --logdir [log directory]/[scope name]/[data name] \
              --port [(optional) 4 digit port number]

$ tensorboard --logdir ./log/dcgan/celeba \
              --port 6006

After the above comment executes, go http://localhost:6006

  • You can change [(optional) 4 digit port number].
  • Default 4 digit port number is 6006.


  • Below table shows quantitative metrics such as cross entropy loss and accuracy.
Metrics CNN
Cross Entropy Loss 0.0443
Accuracy (%) 98.5870