
An idea for an esoteric language.

Primary LanguagePython


An esoteric language.

Doxical is an esoteric language that is based on a grid.


  • Directions (^>v<)
  • Decimal and ASCII output (acdp)
  • User input ([])
  • Variables
    • Alter variables (())
  • While loops ({})

Basic explaining:

Doxical is based off of a grid that stretches infinitely in all directions: north, south, east and west. A program in Doxical essentially manoeuvres a bot on that grid.

To move the bot, the keys ^>v< are used to represent the 4 directions:

  • North: ^
  • East: >
  • South: v
  • West: <

Examples of valid code is ^^^^, which means "go north 4 times".

Moving back to a grid that was already moved on is forbidden, and results in the interpreter crashing - something like this:


Results in illegal code, because you're moving back to a square you were already on.

Doxical also has a value (henceforth called the Value) and a counter. The counter goes up by 1 every time the bot moves, and resets to 0 if the bot goes over 9. The Value is altered by moving, like so:

  • Move north: Add the counter to the value (value += counter).
  • Move east: Subtract the counter from the value (value -= counter).
  • Move south: Multiply the value by the counter (value *= counter).
  • Move west: Divide the value by the counter (value /= counter).
    • Dividing is integer division in this case (5/2 = 2).
    • Also, dividing by 0 is forbidden (when the counter is 0 and you move west) - this results in the interpreter crashing.


Value: 10

Value: 0


There are 26 variables in Doxical, each represented by UPPERCASE LETTERS (A-Z). Each of them can be assigned a value like so:

Initiates A to 6 (1 + 2 + 3).

Initiates B to 0.
Value: 6

Every time you declare a variable, the Value resets to 0 - essentially popping it to the variable.

The value is now 4, NOT 10.

The variable can be altered by reassigning it through popping the Value, or by altering the variable through moves:

A is now at 10.
The first char after the "(", in this case A, shows what variable is to be changed.


Output is represented through 4 "flags":

  • a: Appends the ASCII value of the out_var to the final output, and then outputs it all.
  • c: Concat - appends the ASCII value of the out_var to the final output, and then does nothing.
  • d: Appends the decimal value of the out_var to the final output, and then outputs it all.
  • p: Plus - appends the decimal value of the out_var to the final output, and then does nothing.

The out_var is the character that's at the end of an output flag - which could be 1 of 3 choices:

  • Uppercase character: out_var is equal to the value of the variable declared (see above).
  • Space: out_var is equal to the Value.
  • Any other character: out_var is equal to the Value. The next character is ignored.

The reason there's two characters for outputting the Value is because of this:

^^^ddBdB (the first B is meant to be a declaration)

So we have to introduce a new character to "split" the output of the Value and the declaration of B, like so:

^^^dd BdB (Outputs 6, 6, declares B to be 6, then outputs B)

User input:

User input is represented through square brackets, []. Only decimal input is currently supported, as what the user input does is "multiply" the code inside the brackets by that user input.

Input: 2
(Code becomes ^^d, "^" is repeated 2 times)

Input: 3
(Code becomes ^>^>^>, "^>" is repeated 3 times)

While loops:

While loops are represented through curly brackets, {}. Any valid code can be placed in between the while loops - nested loops are supported as well. They execute until the "check variable" is below 0. The check variable is the first character in the while loop.

Check variable = A, which is currently 6.
First loop: A = 6 - 4 = 2, B = 0 + 5 = 5
Second loop: A = 2 - 6 = -4, B = 5 + 7 = 12
A is now below 0, so while loop stops. A = -4, B = 12