DSA using Visualization

This project visualizes the process of reversing a singly and doubly linked list using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The visualization includes a step-by-step explanation of each operation performed during the reversal.


  • Visual representation of singly and doubly linked lists
  • Step-by-step explanation of the reversal process
  • Color-coded nodes to indicate current operations
  • Smooth transitions and animations for node movements


  1. Open the index.html file in your web browser.
  2. Click the "Reverse Singly Linked List" button to visualize the reversal of a singly linked list.
  3. Click the "Reverse Doubly Linked List" button to visualize the reversal of a doubly linked list.
  4. Follow the explanations provided to understand the reversal process.

Added Codes for future refrance

  1. Codes of different algo are also added in the folder
  1. The code for singly linked list is in the folder (as per the most recent update)


This project serves as a demonstration of how a linked list reversal can be visualized. It is intended for educational purposes and may have room for improvements in terms of design and functionality.

Still in work

-- This rep is still beaing updated july-27-2024