
Mattermost ProductBoard App (integration)

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Mattermost ProductBoard App (integration)

Connect 1-2-3

  1. Create Access Token(s) in ProductBoard > Settings > Integrations page (https://YOURSITE.productboard.com/settings/integrations). image
  2. Use /pb connect --access-token ACCESS_TOKEN --gdpr-token GDPR_TOKEN command in Mattermost to connect your ProductBoard account. You should see output similar to image
  3. You are ready to use ProductBoard Notes from within Mattermost!

Create ProductBoard Note

Use /pb create note Command
  • --title, --content, --email, and --tags map onto the Note fields
  • Use quotes or backticks for values with spaces
  • Use a comma-separated list for tags

You can also use --interactive to finish filling out the inputs in a modal, as in image image

Use Create a ProductBoard Note post menu item

You can create a ProductBoard Note from a post in Mattermost using the Create a ProductBoard Note post menu item, available from the "..." menu on a post (hover)

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