
CS- 409 Capstone : Benchmarking and Optimizing Hardware for Self Driving Cars.

Primary LanguageC++


CS- 409 Capstone : Benchmarking and Optimizing Hardware for Self Driving Cars.

* @DebarghaG
* @Selah18

Abstract : Autonomous vehicles are currently being perceived to be the future of mobility, with diverse implementations across industries, from working robots on factory floors to fully autonomous driving. In this paper, we examine the characteristic properties of these workloads on traditional computer architectures, therefore finding parts of the pipeline that can be executed efficiently on them. We then study the potential bottlenecks on compute and memory by varying the amount of data being passed through and the subsequent system statistics. With the help of these results we propose two potential ways to optimize performance through changes to cache sizes and increased parallelization

From the results we have observed, these algorithms work fairly well with conventional hardware, and we essentially want to minimize the latency for the system and increase the throughput. We therefore have two directions of exploration to optimize the architecture towards improving performance under these workloads. One of the important scenarios to be explored, from the memory subsection point of view, would be to check what an increase in cache size would do for the performance. This can obviously be done to a certain threshold without resulting in performance reductions. However observing from the general trend of the program behaviours, a larger cache would be able to exploit a lot more similarities and access patterns. Similarly, in the compute subsection, we can exploit it by splitting the data into multiple channels, and sending it to a lot smaller cores, all held together through SIMD architecture. This would result in the hardware being able to exploit on more local patterns and therefore exploit more global patterns. This kind of hardware is very similar to what’s already implemented in GPUs and ASICs targeted towards signal processing.

The parts of an ADAS System can be broadly divided into :

  1. Sensing
  2. Perception
    1. Simultaneous localisation and mapping
    2. Object Detection
    3. Object Tracking
  3. Decision Making

The pipeline for computer vision for an Autonomous Vehicle consists of the following stages.

  1. Sensory data acquisition from the attached sensors. ( Eg: Camera, Radar, LIDAR. ) --> Fusion etc.
  2. Sensory data stitching to form a general description of the surroundings.
  3. Real time data processing ( Image processing in this context )

This data is then fed into the Core Driving Engine that's an end to end driving piece of code.

Computer Vision algorithms chosen for the benchmarking of system perfomance :

  1. Sensory data stitching : CPU vs GPU --> Alpha-Comp : Stitches two images together.
  2. Segmentation from the images : Background and foreground --> CPU vs GPU
  3. Cascade Classifier for the detection of cars : Detection --> CPU vs GPU
  4. Structure of motion identification : CPU vs GPU --> Optical Flow
  5. Lane Detection : CPU vs GPU --> Hough Lines Detection for Linear Shapes.
  6. Depth Finding : CPU vs GPU --> Stereo Matching for different cameras.

Deep Learning algorithms that have been chosen for the benchmarking of system performance

  1. End to end Learning : Based off of Nvidia's Autopilot paper.
  2. Semantic Segmentation for Roads : Based off of the KittiSeg Paper.
  3. ChaffeurNet : An implementation of Waymo's Deep Reinforcement Learning pipeline.

Evaluation of performance is being done on the basis of the following factors

  1. Instruction Breakdown.
  2. Integer and Floating Point operation intensity
  3. Memory Bandwidth Behaviour
  4. Memory Footprint Behaviour
  5. Cache Behaviour
  6. TLB Behaviour
  7. Application Latency
  8. QoS-RU Curve --> CPU Utilization, Memory Footprints, Memory Bandwidth