
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach 4th edition exercices.


Exercices from the book Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approach 4th edition. I'm currently reading this book and I will be pushing the exercices in each chapter once I finish. There is 28 chapters in the book and roughly 20 exercices per chapters.

├── exercices/
│   	├── 1_Artificial_Intelligence/   
│       │       ├── 1_Introduction/ 
│       │       └── 2_Intelligent_Agent/ 
│       ├── 2_Problem-solving/ 	 
│       │       ├── 3_Solving_Problems_By_Searching/ 
│       │       ├── 4_Beyond_Classical_Search/ 
│       │       ├── 5_Adversarial_Search/ 
│       │       └── 6_Constraint_Satisfaction_Problems/ 
│       ├── 3_Knowledge_reasoning_planning/ 	 
│       ├── 4_Uncertain_knowledge_reasoning/ 	 
│       ├── 5_Learning/ 	 
│       │       ├── 18_Learning_From_Examples/ 
│       │       ├── 19_Knowledge_In_Learning/ 
│       │       ├── 20_Learning_Probabilistic_Models/ 
│       │       └── 21_Reinforcement_Learning	 
│       ├── 6_Communicating_perceiving_and_acting/ 	 
│       │       ├── 22_Natural_Language_Processing/ 
│       │       └── 23_Natural_Language_For_Communication/ 	 
│       └── 7_Conclusions/ 	 	 
└── README.md		          

Book's chapter

Part I: Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 1 - Introduction ... 1
Chapter 2 - Intelligent Agents ... 36

Part II: Problem-solving
Chapter 3 - Solving Problems by Searching ... 63
Chapter 4 - Search in Complex Environments ... 110
Chapter 5 - Adversarial Search and Games ... 146
Chapter 6 - Constraint Satisfaction Problems ... 180

Part III: Knowledge, reasoning, and planning
Chapter 7 - Logical Agents ... 208
Chapter 8 - First-Order Logic ... 251
Chapter 9 - Inference in First-Order Logic ... 280
Chapter 10 - Knowledge Representation ... 314
Chapter 11 - Automated Planning ... 344

Part IV: Uncertain knowledge and reasoning
Chapter 12 - Quantifying Uncertainty ... 385
Chapter 13 - Probabilistic Reasoning ... 412
Chapter 14 - Probabilistic Reasoning over Time ... 461
Chapter 15 - Probabilistic Programming ... 500
Chapter 16 - Making Simple Decisions ... 528
Chapter 17 - Making Complex Decisions ... 562
Chapter 18 - Multiagent Decision Making ... 599

Part V: Machine Learning
Chapter 19 - Learning from Examples ... 651
Chapter 20 - Learning Probabilistic Models ... 721
Chapter 21 - Deep Learning ... 750
Chapter 22 - Reinforcement Learning ... 789

Part VI: Communicating, perceiving, and acting
Chapter 23 - Natural Language Processing ... 823
Chapter 24 - Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing ... 856
Chapter 25 - Computer Vision ... 881
Chapter 26 - Robotics ... 925

Part VII: Conclusions
Chapter 27 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Safety of AI ... 981
Chapter 28 - The Future of AI ... 1012
