React and Webpack Seed Project for The Greenhouse, as a template / starter project for frontend web applications. This is a simple starter project meant to get you up and running as fast as possible with a full local and production build with all the tools working together and as minimal friction and configuration as possible. Simply clone the repo and edit the files as needed to match your project.
As this is primarily a JavaScript based repo, a principal motivation in the direction and maintenance of this starter repo will be in support of adoption of latest standards and specifications of ECMAScript. For example, the decision to adopt Webpack now was done with the understanding that ES6 imports
would be supported in the 2.0 release. This project will always strive to work as close to the spec as possible to ensure the least amount of tools get in the way between your user's browser and the source code written.
- - project name, Links, sections on release procedure, CI, AWS info
- gulpfile.babel.js - API proxy
- package.json - name, description, version
- - devServer proxy value
- Configure your project with continuous integration by running bin/
//TODO - discuss your environment variables, continuous integration, AWS keys, build scripts
The following tools are used in the application
- React - as the Front-End library
- Webpack 1.13 - Module loader / bundler, primary build tool
- Node 6 - local development and build time JavaScript runtime
- NPM 3 - package manager for build and application dependencies
- TypeScript 2.0 - superset of JavaScript for writing application code
- Repository (Github)- TODO
- Issue Tracker (JIRA) - TODO
- Documentation (Confluence) - TODO
- Continuous Integration (Jenkins) - TODO
- Development Environment - TODO
- Production Enviornment - TODO
Note: It is recommended that a Javascript based IDE is used, like Webstorm, as they have a lot of the code quality and syntax tooling supported as plugins, often times right out of the box.
Recommended plugins to have are:
- Git (can show changed lines in the gutter when viewing a file)
- EditorConfig
- gitignore
- TypeScript
- NodeJS
This project provides Vagrant to provision Virtual Machines for use with development. It is very easy to use
First, install the following
- Vagrant for replicating production environments locally for development. Version 1.7.4 required
- VirtualBox the tool used by Vagrant to spin up the local VM. Version >= 5.x required. Make sure to download guest additions as well.
- Vagrant Manager an OSX GUI tool for managing Vagrant instances (optional)
- Vagrant Up
vagrant up
- SSH into the VM
vagrant ssh
- Change into your workspace
cd /vagrant
If you don't already have it, download and install NodeJS 4.x (comes with NPM).
This project favors version 3.x or higher, so make sure you have the latest by updating it after installing Node by running
$ npm install -g npm@3.8.8
- Now install the build and application dependencies by running (Vagrant will do this for you)
$ npm install
$ npm run install:typings
An overview of important files and configurations for the applications
Also know as "dot" files, these are the build and build configuration files for the application
- bin/ - shell scripts for continuous integration and build environments
- .babelrc - configuration file Babel Gulpfile
- editorconfig - configuration file for EditorConfig IDE plugin
- gulpfile.babel.js - Gulpfile for starting local production webserver (for demo task)
- package.json - NPM dependency configuration file, for build related dependencies and defines all runnable scripts and commands
- tsconfig.json - TypeScript compiler configuration file
- tslint.json - configuration rules for TSLint
- typings.json - Type Definitions configuration, for prividing .d.ts files for the TypeScript compiler
- webpack.config.common.js - webpack config for managing shared webpack configurations
- - webpack config for local development
- - webpack config for production builds
Application code, including unit tests. Directories are intended to be kept as flat as possible with a B.O.F. (birds of a feather) organization.
- src - application code
- src/components/ - resusable UI features
- src/services/ - APIs for handling backend REST APIs or browser APIs, non UI related "helpers"
- src/views/ - routable states ("pages")
- src/index.html - main layout of the application
- src/main.ts - main entry way into the application and "bootstrapper"
- src/polyfills.ts - collection of polyfills needed by the application
- src/routes.ts - routes for the application, maps to different views
- src/vendor.ts - vendor files from node_modules
This project uses Webpack as the build tool, exectuted via NPM scripts. All available tasks are in the scripts
section of package.json
This will start up a Node (Express) server which watches for changes and "redeploys" as needed.
Note: This task exports NODE_ENV=development
$ npm run develop
See it in a browser by opening up
This is the production build task for the project. It is used prior to deploying to an environment and build a production version of the application.
Note: This task exports NODE_ENV=production
$ npm run build
This is task to run for CI, it build the application and runs tests
$ npm run ci
To serve a production build locally , like for a demo run:
$ npm run demo
Note: it is recommended you run this command from the master branch or a tag. By Default this proxies with the webpack-dev-server proxy.
There are two types of dependencies tracked in the application
Build packages (like Webpack) are installed through NPM into package.json, using
$ npm install <package-name> --save-dev
Dependencies for the application (like React) are installed by running
$ npm install <some-package> --save
Typescript definitation are either managed by the Typings binary into typings.json. Install new typings using
$ ./node_modules/.bin/typings <typing-name> --save
example installing globally and form definitely typed (not NPM)
./node_modules/.bin/typings install dt~karma-jasmine --save --global
TODO Document Your Continuous Integration Environment Here
TODO Document Your Release Procedure Here
TODO Document Your AWS Info here (NO CREDENTIALS!!!!)
- s3 bucket -
- cloudfront distribution -