Primary LanguagePython

benchmark workflow

  • start Cassandra and YCSB servers on GCP (requires Ubuntu 16.04 or above)
  • install CCM2 for each of them (see below)
  • update cassandra.yaml (see below)
  • if the implementation needs some changes in a java file, do so, and run ant in ~/cassandra to build again
  • start each Cassandra server: cd ~/cassandra && ./bin/cassandra -R
  • at a Cassandra server, check node join: cd ~/cassandra && ./bin/nodetool status
  • use cqlsh to create the column family ycsb and the table usertable (see below)
  • generate ycsb commands (see below) and run each command shown on a ycsb server
  • run fuser -k 7199/tcp on each Cassandra server to kill Cassandra
  • run ps -fe | grep java to check
  • run rm ~/cassandra/data ~/cassandra/logs -rf to completely remove data and log folders

install CCM2

# to install a branch recorded in ~/CCM2/py/setupCass.py
sudo su
sudo apt-get install -y git
cd && git clone https://github.com/haochenpan/CCM2.git
. ~/CCM2/sh/setup.sh bsr

# to install only ycsb
sudo su
sudo apt-get install -y git
cd && git clone https://github.com/haochenpan/CCM2.git
. ~/CCM2/sh/setup.sh no-cass

update cassandra.yaml

# step 1: modify ~/CCM2/py/conf.py to set parameters

# step 2:
python3 ~/CCM2/py/changeYaml.py

create the table

# select a internal ip from shown in ./notetool status
cd ~/cassandra &&  ./bin/cqlsh <internal-ip> -e "CREATE KEYSPACE ycsb WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': <num-of-servers>};"
cd ~/cassandra &&  ./bin/cqlsh <internal-ip> -e "CREATE TABLE ycsb.usertable ( y_id varchar primary key, field0 varchar);"

./bin/cqlsh -e "create keyspace ycsb WITH REPLICATION = {'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};"
./bin/cqlsh -e "CREATE TABLE ycsb.usertable(y_id varchar PRIMARY KEY, field0 varchar);"

# different implementations requires different schemas, see https://github.com/haochenpan/CCM#cassandra-table-schemas

generate ycsb commands

# assume parameters in modify ~/CCM2/py/conf.py are set
# step 1: modify ~/CCM2/py/ycsb.py to set parameters 

# step 2: try
python3 ~/CCM2/py/ycsb.py load 3 5
python3 ~/CCM2/py/ycsb.py run 3 5

# step 3: try
python3 ~/CCM2/py/ycsb.py # to see the help message

switch Cassandra version

# to remove the cassandra folder and reinstall a branch
python3 ~/CCM2/py/setupCass.py base
python3 ~/CCM2/py/setupCass.py bsr

# just switch a branch and recompile
python3 ~/CCM2/py/setupCass.py bsr no-rm
python3 ~/CCM2/py/setupCass.py base no-rm