These code assists a search for vulnerable Galois RLWE instances.
a class, instances of which represent subgroups H of G = (Z/mZ)^*. The input to the constructor is m and a list of generators for H.
Computes the set H.
Computes a set of coset representatives for the quotient group G/H.
Given an integer a such that gcd(a,m) = 1, computes the order of a in G/H.
Computes the discriminant of the field QQ(zeta_m)^H, using Hasse's formula (note: slow).
Depends on: None.
Modifies the current implementation of discrete Gaussian lattice sampler in sage (bug fixes + optimization).
Can sample from a discrete Gaussian on a lattice in R^n, given as the span of the columns of a n-by-n matrix.
Can perform Babai's nearest plane algorithm.
Preprocessing: we do a LLL/BKZ reduction on the input, to optimize the above two functions.
Depends on: None.
Provides a class representing a RLWE instance from a subfield of the m-th cyclotomic field, where m is odd and square free.
Can generate RLWE samples.
Can compute primes of a given degree.
Compute the canonical normal integral basis of O_K, and its embedding matrix (real and complex).
Can compute the numerical discriminant of the ring of integers O_K.
Given a prime q, can compute the image of the canonical basis modulo a prime ideal above q.
Depends on: SubgroupModm.sage, MyLatticeSampler.sage, misc.sage
Chi-square test for samples in some finite field.
Small field chi-square test.
Generate uniform samples in finite fields.
Some other miscellaneous functions.
Depends on: SubgroupModm.sage
Samples from arbitrary cyclotomic fields, using power basis and PLWE sampling (discrete Gaussian over ZZ on each coefficients).
Depends on: None.