Convert Mach-O Libraries & Frameworks to .tbd
Note: Development is currently focused on the rewrite
Usage: tbd [-p file-paths] [-o/--output output-paths-or-stdout]
Main options:
-h, --help, Print this message
-o, --output, Path(s) to output file(s) to write converted tbd files. If provided file(s) already exists, contents will be overridden. Can also provide \"stdout\" to print to stdout
-p, --path, Path(s) to mach-o file(s) to convert to a tbd file. Can also provide \"stdin\" to use stdin
-u, --usage, Print this message
Path options:
Usage: tbd -p [-a/--arch architectures] [--archs architecture-overrides] [--platform platform] [-r/--recurse/ -r=once/all / --recurse=once/all] [-v/--version v1/v2] /path/to/macho/library
-a, --arch, Specify architecture(s) to output to tbd
--archs, Specify architecture(s) to use, instead of the ones in the provided mach-o file(s)
--platform, Specify platform for all mach-o library files provided
-r, --recurse, Specify directory to recurse and find mach-o library files in
-v, --version, Specify version of tbd to convert to (default is v2)
Outputting options:
Usage: tbd -o [--maintain-directories] /path/to/output/file
--maintain-directories, Maintain directories where mach-o library files were found in (subtracting the path provided)
Global options:
-a, --arch, Specify architecture(s) to output to tbd (where architectures were not already specified)
--archs, Specify architecture(s) to override architectures found in file (where default architecture-overrides were not already provided)
--platform, Specify platform for all mach-o library files provided (applying to all mach-o library files where platform was not provided)
-v, --version, Specify version of tbd to convert to (default is v2) (applying to all mach-o library files where tbd-version was not provided)
Miscellaneous options:
--dont-print-warnings, Don't print any warnings (both path and global option)
--only-dynamic-libraries, Option for `--list-macho-libraries` to only print dynamic-libraries
--replace-path-extension, Replace path-extension on provided mach-o file(s) when creating an output-file (Replace instead of appending .tbd) (both path and global option)
Symbol options: (Both path and global options)
--allow-all-private-symbols, Allow all non-external symbols (Not guaranteed to link at runtime)
--allow-private-normal-symbols, Allow all non-external symbols (of no type) (Not guaranteed to link at runtime)
--allow-private-weak-symbols, Allow all non-external weak symbols (Not guaranteed to link at runtime)
--allow-private-objc-symbols, Allow all non-external objc-classes and ivars
--allow-private-objc-classes, Allow all non-external objc-classes
--allow-private-objc-ivars, Allow all non-external objc-ivars
tbd field options: (Both path and global options)
--flags, Specify flags to add onto ones found in provided mach-o file(s)
--ignore-missing-exports, Ignore if no symbols or reexpors to output are found in provided mach-o file(s)
--ignore-missing-uuids, Ignore if uuids are not found in provided mach-o file(s)
--ignore-non-unique-uuids, Ignore if uuids found in provided mach-o file(s) not unique
--objc-constraint, Specify objc-constraint to use instead of one(s) found in provided mach-o file(s)
--remove-current-version, Remove current-version field from outputted tbds
--remove-compatibility-version, Remove compatibility-version field from outputted tbds
--remove-exports, Remove exports field from outputted tbds
--remove-flags, Remove flags field from outputted tbds
--remove-objc-constraint, Remove objc-constraint field from outputted tbds
--remove-parent-umbrella, Remove parent-umbrella field from outputted tbds
--remove-swift-version, Remove swift-version field from outputted tbds
--remove-uuids, Remove uuids field from outputted tbds
List options:
--list-architectures, List all valid architectures for tbd files. Also able to list architectures of a provided mach-o file
--list-tbd-flags, List all valid flags for tbd files
--list-macho-libraries, List all valid mach-o libraries in current-directory (or at provided path(s))
--list-objc-constraints, List all valid objc-constraint options for tbd files
--list-platform, List all valid platforms
--list-recurse, List all valid recurse options for parsing directories
--list-versions, List all valid versions for tbd files