Study Google I/O app for good Android dev patterns
- Navigation Tool bar
- Types of Navigation
Lateral navigation, move b/w screen at the same level of hierarchy
- drawers
- bottom navigation
- tab
Forward navigation
- Downward, parent -- child
- Sequentially, such as a checkout process
- Directly
Reverse navigation
- upward navigation, allows users to navigate one level upwards within a single app’s hierarchy, until the app’s home or top-level screen is reached. For example, the Up arrow in a top app bar is a form of upwards reverse navigation.
- considerations
- Top App Bars link
The Top App Bar was previously termed action bar. Anatomy Behavior - scrolling - nesting actions
Contextual action bar
- Theming
- h6 headline
- type.xml, typography
- how to add fonts in Android Studio, link
- shape.xml
- color.xml