haohuazhu's Stars
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We propose a model to analyze sentiment of online stock forum and use the information to predict stock volatility in the Chinese market. By generating a sentimental dictionary, we analyze the sentimental tendencies of each post as sentiment indicators. Such sentimental information will be fused with market data for prediction based on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs). We manually labeled the sentiment of forum post and make the data public available for research. Empirical evidence shows that 8 of the 10 stocks perform better with sentimental indicators.
The official code for the paper 'Structured Knowledge Distillation for Semantic Segmentation'. (CVPR 2019 ORAL) and extension to other tasks.
Recently, realistic image generation using deep neural networks has become a hot topic in machine learning and computer vision. Such an image can be generated at pixel level by learning from a large collection of images. Learning to generate colorful cartoon images from black-and-white sketches is not only an interesting research problem, but also a useful application in digital entertainment. In this paper, we investigate the sketch-to-image synthesis problem by using conditional generative adversarial networks (cGAN). We propose a model called auto-painter which can automatically generate compatible colors given a sketch. Wasserstein distance is used in training cGAN to overcome model collapse and enable the model converged much better. The new model is not only capable of painting hand-draw sketch with compatible colors, but also allowing users to indicate preferred colors. Experimental results on different sketch datasets show that the auto-painter performs better than other existing image-to-image methods.