a fuzzy finder for nvim based on fzf
- i dont use coroutines
- query placeholder
- two version of sources: cache and non-cache
- caching in files under /tmp
- single/batch entries handling
- actions,
are mutual exclusive between single and batch handling, rather than the choices's number
- files:
fd --type f
- git files:
git ls-files
- git modified files:
git ls-files --modified
- git status files: git status
buffersmru- olds # haolian9/olds.nvim
- sibling files
fd --type f getcwd()
- lsp document symbols
- lsp workspace symbols
windows: similar totmux join-pane
- ctags of a file
- just-works
- not supposed to be used publiclly
- linux
- nvim 0.10.*
- haolian9/infra.nvim
- haolian9/sting.nvim
- haolian9/fzf # fork of junegunn's, for query placeholder and
cli flag
- fd
- git
- haolian9/olds.nvim
- lsp
- ctags
my personal config
m.n("<leader>s", function() require("fond").files() end)
m.n("<leader>g", function() require("fond").tracked() end)
m.n("<leader>u", function() require("fond").statuses() end)
m.n("<leader>m", function() require("fond").olds() end)
m.n("<leader>f", function() require("fond").siblings() end)
m.n("<leader>d", function() require("fond").document_symbols() end)
--no-cache version
m.n("<leader>S", function() require("fond").files(false) end)
m.n("<leader>G", function() require("fond").tracked(false) end)
m.n("<leader>M", function() require("fond").olds(false) end)
m.n("<leader>F", function() require("fond").siblings(false) end)
m.n("<leader>D", function() require("fond").document_symbols(false) end)
local spell = cmds.Spell("Fond", function(args) assert(require("fond")[args.provider])(args.fresh) end)
spell:add_arg("provider", "string", true, nil, cmds.ArgComp.constant({ "workspace_symbols", "ctags" }))
spell:add_flag("fresh", "true", false)