just an example shows how to integrate vifm with neovim via IPC



  • running vifm in a nvim floating window
  • long-lived vifm process
  • opinionated settings
  • minimal codebase
  • handling partial vifm fsop events


  • fancy TUI on nvim side
  • complete copy of vifm.vim
  • nerdtree like
  • custom settings for keymap, window style, vifm cmd ...


  • just works
  • the use of ffi may crash nvim
  • feature-complete
  • the handling of vifm fsop events is experimental, which has not been tested against complex usecases.

how does it work?

  • this plugin has two parts: one for nvim, the other for vifm
  • the two parts use a named pipe to communicate with each other use a simple 'protocol' implemented in reveal.opstr_iter.
  • the vifm part is a lua plugin of vifm which will:
    • register necessary handlers, commands, keymaps
    • subscribe filesystem events
    • send commands to the pipe
  • the nvim part is also a lua plugin but for nvim, which will:
    • spawn a vifm process
    • show the process in a floating window and terminal buffer
    • poll and enqueue commands from the pipe, process them when user leaved the vifm


  • linux
  • nvim 0.10.*
  • vifm 0.13
  • haolian9/infra.nvim


  • :lua require'reveal'()

opinionated settings

keymaps (lhs=vifm, rhs=nvim)

  • n <cr> -> :e
  • n <c-o> -> :sp
  • n <c-/> -> :vs
  • n <c-t> -> :tabe
  • n <c-z> -> close the vifm window
  • n <space>. -> close the vifm window

keymaps for nvim terminal-buffer

  • n q, n <esc>, n <c-[>, n <c-]> -> close the vifm window

handling filesystem changes happened on vifm side

  • mv a b -> rename the corresponding nvim buffer
  • mv a/ b/ -> rename the corresponding nvim buffers under directory a
  • rm a -> no-op
  • trash a -> no-op