
Active Appearance Model Library

Primary LanguageC++

*                                 AAMLibrary                                *
* Copyright (c) 2008 by Yao Wei, all rights reserved.                       *
* Contact:     	njustyw@gmail.com                                           *
*                                                                           *

System Requirements

AAMLibrary is written to be platform independent. It has been tested on Windows XP.
AAMLibrary makes use of the OpenCV library version 1.0 that can be downloaded from:

In order to make it work, you must modify a bug in OpenCV and rebuild it:
	-- cvBoundingRect() doesn't work fine. 
	-- opencv/cv/src/cvshapedescr.cpp around line 1161 
	-- replace CV_32SC1 to CV_32SC2 and CV_32FC1 to CV_32FC2.

A Quick Tutorial

To get familiared quickly with the library, execute the following steps:

1. Train the Cootes's basic active appearance models using 3 parymid levels:
   > build -t 0 -p 3 ../image jpg pts haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml model1

2. Train the Matthews and S. Baker's Inverse Compositional models using 2 parymid levels:
   > build -t 1 -p 2 ../image jpg pts haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml model2

3. Test fitting/Alignment:
   > fit my.amf haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml test.jpg/test.avi

Notice: to make the program run faster, you are suggested to work in the release version.
For more details, you can go to the directory "example" to see some demos.


For further questions or bug reporting, please email me.

*                 Enjoy this compact library!                               *