This repo.'s resource comes from PKU, URL: And Our development environment is Docker in Windows. If you want to test the program, please follow instructions in the URL mentioned above. The docker image can also be found in the document of PKU.

Our project report in Feishu:


mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

make quicksort # use our program to convert quick_sort.c to quick_sort.ll
make build_quicksort # use LLVM backend to build quick_sort.ll into assembly and link the IO lib.
make test_quicksort # test checkpoint.


After you make this project, in build directory, you can find compiler_test which is executable, use the following command to test:

Unit_Test/compiler_test  #in build

Now you can see whether your code are doing the same function as that clang compiles, by comparing the output of these 2 executable files. Note that if you wanna test your own input to the test files(quicksort/matrix_mul/advisor), you can modify 1_Pipeline_Test/pipeline_test.cpp under Unit_Test:

change popen(..., 'w') to popen(..., 'r') to support write you own test case to the terminal
add random cases generator if you are able to do so~

llvm referrence document

llvm ir