
It's my first gin framework project and the back end of a Todo list.

Primary LanguageGo

Todo List

This project is used to learn about the GIN framework. It is my first project and it's learned form Q1mi.

Quick Start

  1. Install
git clone https://github.com/haoran-mc/Gin-Todo.git
  1. Create a database
  1. Configure database connection information

Please modify this file ./dao/mysql.go for use on your own machine.

conf.db   = "Gin_Todo"     // database name
conf.user = "root"         // user name
conf.pwd  = "haoran232"    // user password
conf.host = ""    // host location
conf.port = 3306           // MySQL port
  1. Run
go run main.go
  1. Enjoy it!

Open the url in your browser.

The Front-end

The front end is implemented using Vue + Element-UI.