is my first compiler. And I decided not to maintain it.
It supports a subsets of C98
. I choose 3-Address Code as IR for optimization. rvcc
produces tmpCodeFile.txt
to show IR, however, optimization doesn't perform well in rvcc
, which will be the focus of my next Compiler.
For better readability, rvcc
produces symbolTableFile.txt
to show the symbolTable consists of var
, const
and function name
of source code.
Finally, riscvCodeFile.s
as the target assembly file will be produced. BUT, rvcc
achieves few RISCV-Instructions, for Its origin purpose was to learn compiler technology.
TestSuite is here . All of tests can be compiled to IR level. But only J-constTB.c and J-varTB.c is fully compiled to run on the qemu. Here shows you how to build RISC-V GNU Compiler Toolchain.
A breif introduction of my rv-implementation is here;
basic Memory layout
cd rvcc && mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
./release ../test_src/**TB.c