
MelonLoader Mods for LastEpoch

Primary LanguageC#

LastEpoch Mods

  • Hit F1 for Menu
  • ItemDrop :
  • Gold Multiplier
  • Items multiplier
  • Experience Multiplier
  • Rarity
  • Implicits
  • Forgin Potencial
  • Affixes Values
  • Affixes Tiers
  • Unique Mods
  • Legendary Potencial
  • Weaver Will

  • Autoloot :
  • Gold
  • Keys
  • Unique & Set
  • Xp Tome
  • Materials
  • AutoStore Materials

  • Scene :
  • Density Multiplier
  • Experience Multiplier
  • Waypoint Unlock

  • Remove Prerequisites :
  • Remove Level
  • Remove Class
  • Remove subclass

  • Dungeons :
  • Objective Reveal
  • Enter Without Key

  • Monoliths :
  • Override max stability
  • Objective Reveal
  • Set ennemies defeat count on start
  • Complete Objective on start
  • No lost when die (untested)

How to :

  • Install Melon Loader 5.7
  • Launch your game once
  • Extract requirement "UniverseLib.Il2Cpp.Unhollower.zip" in "YourGame\UserLibs"
  • Compile "UnityLastEpochMods.dll" from the source code (or get compiled version here), and copy in "YourGame\Mods"
  • Launch your game
  • Wait "Game Loaded" in console
  • Hit F1, edit options and enjoy

Requirements :