“OpenCity” Game Project

  • Developed the “OpenCity” inspired by the game “SimCity”
  • Rendered images within the OepnGL framework
  • patent no.: 2022SR0805651, 2021, Copyright Protection Center of China
A short demo video:

Project Content

Simple 3D modeling and realistic rendering

Basic Requirements

  1. Based on OpenGL, it has the modeling and rendering ability of basic voxels (eg. cube, sphere, cylinder, cone, polyhedral prism).

  2. It has the import and export ability for basic 3D mesh ('obj' format).

  3. Have the ability to display and edit basic materials and textures, including material maps, diffuse maps, specular maps, normal maps, displacement textures, etc;

  4. Basic geometric transformation functions (rotation, translation, scaling, etc.);

  5. Basic lighting model functions and light source editing. In the project, we realized the multi-light source rendering of parallel light, point light and spotlight.

  6. Roam the scene after modeling, such as Zoom in/out, Pan, Orbit, Zoom To Fit and other observation functions

  7. Shader depth detection to achieve fog effect;

  8. Various particle systems.

  9. gamma correction

  10. hdr correction

  11. Sky Box with Rotation


Additional Realization of this Project

  1. Real time collision detection is available when roaming (AABB bounding box).

  2. The lighting model is refined. Realize PCF real-time shadow mapping and water wave displacement texture.

How to Play

Game Start

Use visual studio 2017 (or other supported visual studio versions) to open Open_City\vsbuild\vsbuild.sln, then compile and run in the Realse mode.

Due to the large obj files loaded in the program, the memory requirements are high. If the bad alloc problem occurs during the operation, it may be caused by insufficient memory. It is recommended to run the program on a computer with 16GB or more of memory.

Enter the Initial Interface of the Game


Enter ENTER on the interface to enter the game.

Keys and Mouse Settings

  • Players control character movement through W/A/S/D

  • Move mouse to switch the view angle

  • Slide mouse wheel to achieve zoom in/out

  • shift can realize movement acceleration

  • Press key 1/2 to switch the perspective (first person perspective, God roaming perspective)

  • Press key Q/E enable/disable parallel lighting

  • Press key O/P to open/close gamma correction

  • Press key K/L to open/close hdr correction

  • Press key U/I to turn on/off shadow

  • Press key H/J to open/close fog effect switch

  • Press key N/M to turn on/off point light source

  • Press key V/B to turn on/off spotlight

  • Press key 3/4 to open/close destroy mode, in which any object ran into the player will be destroyed

  • Press key 5/6 to open/close the function to restore the damaged

  • Press key 7 to open/close snowflake particle effect

  • Press key 8 to open/close raindrop particle effect

  • Press key 9 to open/close fireworks particle effect

  • Press key 0 to open/close fountain particle effect

  • Press key R/T to open/close construction mode

    When the construction mode is enabled, you can click right mouse button to switch the model. Select the construction position by movement through W/A/S/D, and click left mouse button to confirm the construction.


Point Light Source


Spot Light


Real-Time Shadows


Particle Systems

Fog Effect
  • without Fog Effect


  • with Fog Effect


  • Video Demonstration
Water Wave
  • Shadows of Objects Nearby
  • Reflective Effect Changes with Angle Changes
Particle Systems

Snowflare, raindrop, fireworks, and fountain, respectively.

Construction Mode



Group Members

Haoyi Duan

Chenning Tao

Zhengtao Xu


Learning Materials

LearnOpenGL CN (learnopengl-cn.github.io)

Model Recourses




Water Wave Texture Reference


Particle Effect Reference

