
This ROS package generates the trajectory, given a point (only the first three joints can be changed). After running catkin make, use "roslaunch assignment1 jacobian.launch" to launch the trajectory generator in Rviz. Specify the new end-effector point as follows: rostopic pub -1 /setpoint \ geometry_msgs/Point -- '0.5 ' '.05 ' '.2 '.

Primary LanguageC++


This package runs on ROS Hydro and can make the virtual UR5 execute a trajectory to a given point.
After running Catkin_make, launch the generator using 'roslaunch assignment1 jacobian.launch'.
Make the robot reach a given point as follows:
"rostopic pub -1 /setpoint geometry_msgs/Point -- '0.5 ' '.05 ' '.2 '

###Note: *Only the first three links are variable.
*Only the position can be specified (not the orientation)