
Enable telnet via qrcode command injection for Aqara G3 hub

Primary LanguagePython


Enable telnet access via QRCode command Injection for Aqara G3

⚠️  WARNING ⚠️

Aqara have closed the exploit in firmware 3.3.9_0011.0004 by filtering `$'";|&\ from variables.

It is unlikely that this method of exploitation will ever work again in newer version. It was good while it lasted.

Aqara - go f*ck yourselves.


I was disappointed to see the Aqara G3 camera did not ship with telnet enabled so I managed to grab a copy of a firmware update for some good 'ol static analysis which confirmed none of the previous methods were going to work.

Whilst going through "ha_master" I did see that one of the variables passed in by the setup qrcode is thrown through sprintf as "nslookup %s" and subsequently passed to popen (yay).

Getting telnet was fairly trivial, getting persistent telnet in one shot within the 132 char sprintf buffer on a readonly filesystem was a little more challenging.

Thankfully another qrcode variable (b aka bind_key) has a larger buffer so we store some data in this which can later be used by the main payload.


usage: aQRootG3.py [-h] ssid pwd [filename]

aQRootG3 v0.x
Enable telnet via qrcode command injection for Aqara G3 hub

positional arguments:
  ssid        Wireless SSID
  pwd         Wireless Password
  filename    (Optional) Save QR Code as image

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


⚠️  NOTE

Due to the amount of data in the QRCode, it is no longer possible for the camera to read from a small screen (such as a phone).
With default settings the QRCode needs to be displayed at a minimum of ~110x110mm to scan successfully.

  1. Reset the camera by pressing the button 10 times quickly.
  2. When prompted (albeit probably in chinese) scan the QR code you've generated
  3. This will give a failed message (due to invalid bind_key)
  4. Add device to Aqara home as normal.
  5. Enjoy.
$ telnet x.x.x.x
Trying x.x.x.x...
Connected to x.x.x.x.
Escape character is '^]'.

Camera-Hub-G3-BEEF login: root
1 ulimit=256
~ # uname -a
Linux Camera-Hub-G3-BEEF 4.9.84 #67 SMP PREEMPT Mon Sep 6 17:51:23 CST 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux

Payload Explanation

    '"fw_man"ager.sh -t -f',                        # Create default /data/scripts/post_init.sh
    'echo -e `agetprop persist.app.bind_key`>$y',   # Write post_init[] content below to post_init.sh
    'tail -n2 $y|sh'                                # Clear $USER password, enable tty and start telnetd
post_init = [
    'fw_manager.sh -r',                             # Start firmware as normal
    'passwd -d $USER',                              # Clear $USER password
    'fw_manager.sh -t -k'                           # Enable tty and start telnetd

Tested Versions

Firmware Version Status
3.3.9_0011.0004 🚫