Feel free to fine tune large BERT models with Multi-GPU and FP16 support.
- 10
The main difference between original bert and bert-muti-gpu are these lines below?
#9 opened by TPF2017 - 2
In prediction, only one gpu is available
#35 opened by hys50001 - 2
How to freeze bert layers?
#34 opened by heretree - 2
mlabel task 结果定义
#33 opened by jackie930 - 3
Do we see different results with different global_batch_size but same iteration_steps? How does Global Batch Size play a role? Will time taken to complete training change?
#31 opened by Q-Udita - 2
- 2
#29 opened by ZZKa - 4
#30 opened by joytianya - 4
- 10
##Not found: Key bert/embeddings/LayerNorm/beta/AdamWeightDecayOptimizer not found in checkpoint
#12 opened by KelvinBull - 0
#27 opened by freeloop1114 - 13
- 6
- 2
run_pretraining.py script for multi-gpu
#23 opened by ftamburin - 9
can I use it for multi gpu prediction?
#21 opened by TPF2017 - 3
Is fp16 supported under multi-gpu ?I see that mixed_precision related code is commented in custom_optimization.py.
#18 opened by wrxDM - 7
- 2
Reported error when using FP16
#19 opened by secretsh - 4
#14 opened by lu161513 - 3
- 5
No OpKernel was registered to support Op 'NcclAllReduce' used by node NcclAllReduce
#15 opened by qiu-nian - 10
some problems about multi gpu training
#8 opened by frost-768 - 2
Is this a mixed precision version?
#10 opened by hxyshare - 3
Prediction using Multi-GPU bert
#7 opened by aswin-giridhar - 2
Pretrain with multi gpus
#6 opened by mudong0419 - 6
- 12
Any benchmark results?
#1 opened by soloice