
This repository contains code for RIFLE implementation using Paddle.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains code for the implementation of RIFLE using Paddlepaddle.

[ICML'20] Xingjian Li*, Haoyi Xiong*, Haozhe An, Dejing Dou, and Cheng-Zhong Xu. RIFLE: Backpropagation in Depth for Deep Transfer Learning through Re-Initializing the Fully-connected LayEr. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML’20), Vienna, Austria, 2020.




Running Scripts

Modify global_data_path in as_data_reader/data_path.py to the path root where the dataset is.

Below are the commands to run baseline and RIFLE on Stanford Cars respectively,

python run.py --dataset Stanford_Cars --num_epoch 40 --batch_size 32 --fc_reinit 0 
python run.py --dataset Stanford_Cars --num_epoch 40 --batch_size 32 --fc_reinit 1 --cyclic_num 2 

Modify the argument appropriately to adjust the dataset folder name and the number of re-initializations of FC layer as desired.


We test cyclic_num = [2,3,4] and report the best results for RIFLE among the three. In this version of implementation, we avoid any re-initialization of FC layer when the training enters its last 5 epochs, so as to prevent the final model from being underfitted due to the lack of training budget after the last re-initialization.

Dataset l2 RIFLE
CUB_200_2011 0.7487 0.7618 (cyclic_num=3)
Stanford-Cars 0.8492 0.8610 (cyclic_num=4)