
Learning algorithms.

Primary LanguageC#


Build Status

I am trying to practice basic algorithms in this repository.

  1. Download and install dotnet
  2. Run script test.sh


  1. Bubble sort.
  2. Shell sort.
  3. Merge sort.
  4. Quick sort.
  5. Binary heap.
  6. AVL tree.
  7. Red black tree.
  8. Hash table.
  9. Topological sort.
  10. Connected components in a graph.
  11. Minimal spanning trees.
  12. A*.
  13. 3-way string quicksort.
  14. Trie.
  15. Knuth-Morris-Pratt.
  16. Boyer-Moore.
  17. Rabin-Karp.
  18. Generate all permutations.
  19. Fischer-Yates shuffle.