The script can be used to reproduce a bug in Volcano where Volcano controller fails to update a vcjob's state because the resource's version has changed. The script creates 500 vcjobs. Each vcjob contains one task, which is just "sleep 5." After creating each vcjob, the script waits a short period of time and then adds an annotation to the vcjob's metadata.

The script waits 120s for all vcjobs to complete, and then deletes any vcjobs that do not have phase == 'Completed.' This is successful in creating the error about in about 5 to 15 vcjobs per 500. Success rate of reproducing the bug seems to depend on the time gap between creating the vcjob and adding the annotation. This is hard-coded to 0.45 seconds in function create_job(). This value seems to maximize the occurrence of this condition in our cluster.

To run:

  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • python

The above creates the jobs in the "default" namespace. To specify a different namespace run as:

  • python -n NAMESPACE