
A customizable, multi-protocol BitTorrent Tracker

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


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Note: The master branch may be in an unstable or even broken state during development. Please use releases instead of the master branch in order to get stable binaries.

Chihaya is an open source BitTorrent tracker written in Go.

Differentiating features include:

  • HTTP and UDP protocols
  • IPv4 and IPv6 support
  • Pre/Post middlware hooks
  • YAML configuration
  • Metrics via Prometheus
  • High Availability via Redis
  • Kubernetes deployment via Helm

Why Chihaya?

Chihaya is built for developers looking to integrate BitTorrent into a preexisting production environment. Chihaya's pluggable architecture and middleware framework offers a simple and flexible integration point that abstracts the BitTorrent tracker protocols. The most common use case for Chihaya is enabling peer-to-peer cloud software deployments.



Long-term discussion and bug reports are maintained via GitHub Issues. Code review is done via GitHub Pull Requests. Real-time discussion is done via freenode IRC.

For more information read CONTRIBUTING.md.

Getting Started

Building from HEAD

In order to compile the project, the latest stable version of Go and knowledge of a working Go environment are required.

$ git clone git@github.com:chihaya/chihaya.git
$ cd chihaya
$ GO111MODULE=on go build ./cmd/chihaya
$ ./chihaya --help


Docker containers are available for HEAD and stable releases.


The following will run all tests and benchmarks. Removing -bench will just run unit tests.

$ go test -bench $(go list ./...)

Related projects

  • BitTorrent.org: a static website containing the BitTorrent spec and all BEPs
  • OpenTracker: a popular BitTorrent tracker written in C
  • Ocelot: a private BitTorrent tracker written in C++